
Is the government hiding the end of the world?

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Recently I have been noticing stories on the news that doesn't make any sense as to why they say they are doing it. Some of us have heard about the major seed storage that is in Antarctica that is being stocked as we speak, but for what purpose, and why there why not some where in the U.S. as they are the ones that are doing it.

Secondly is the general weather conditions, and the fact that the earth has tilted slightly meaning in other terms, the sun isn't where it suppose to be.

Also the fact of "Planet X" and the fact that is was on the news saying it had been found, which leads me to believe it is getting close enough to see, which is why I think there building the worlds largest telescope in Antarctica, is it not planet X, and it's predicted Alignment to come into our inner solar system? Which it's gravitational forces already affecting earth, eg.) weather, the earth titling etc... well thanks in advance.

I am so sorry if I didn't make sense.

Thank You




  1. im am sick in tired of the same ?'s over in over in over in over in over in over is the world going to end 2012 is the earth going to get hit by planet x  etc... d**n if this was true that means its god fault so its nothing we can do about it but its not true please stop asking the same Question if the answer has been answered already

  2. Sadly, if this was true - I don't think anyone with the answer would be able or willing to tell you. (or us for that matter.)

    (or we would already know about it by now!)

    I suppose an other question to ask is if a Government DID know that the end of the world was coming say in 10 years and that nothing and absolutely nothing could be done about it - why would the governement let the population know about it and risk pandemonium while they could still have 10 more years of the status quo?  Afterall where they not playing music while the titanic was sinking?

    On the upside - we all die at least the physical body does (not wanting to get faith involved here), so really it's just a question of where it's of old age, war, starvation, murder, pandemic, car accident, lion attack or the death star exploding the earth....

  3. I don't think they are hiding the end of the world.  After all, they issued a Collision Alert in 2001 for the 2029 pass of the asteroid Apophis, then canceled the alert after additional observations showed it would not hit us.  They are being open about the fact that they need more observations to make sure the 2036 pass isn't going to hit us.  They said they need 18 years warning to change its orbit if necessary.  They will be doing new plotting on its next pass.

    They may be storing seed and things against the chance that a collision or some other catastrophe will occur.  Of course, that could all be a lie and then we're back where we started.

  4. It made perfect sense.  The only problem is that it's completely wrong.

    Planet X / Nibiru / doomsday planet doesn't exist.  I don't care who claims NASA is covering it up.  If there were a planet close enough to affect Earth with its gravity, it would be plainly visible to amateur astronomers.

    The Earth's axis of rotation is not precessing any more than usual.  The Sun is exactly where it is 'supposed' to be, relative to the Earth.  The Earth is not 'tilting' in any mysterious manner.

    Alignments of planets, fictional or real, do not have any magical powers.

    It's going to be tough when you find out your beliefs are not only wrong, but laughably absurd as well.

  5. Well, lets take these one at a time.

    Quote:  "Recently I have been noticing stories on the news that doesn't make any sense"

    Unfortunately, around 1994, our news media went through the O.J. story, and most decided that their news programs were actually entertainment.  Since then they have been firing their reporting, news collecting, and analytical staff;  which has led to a lower quality of product and the wholesale abandoment of traditional news sources by most of the population.  Now, the drop in readership/viewers has cut deep into their revenues and they are making much deeper cuts to their news departments.  As a result, none of the news makes much sense;  it is just the endless day long regurgitation of about 10 minutes of content interlaced with infomercials.  

    Quote:  "The Sun isn't where it's supposed to be."

    On the contrary, everything remains precisely where it should be, so the Earth could not have shifted it's axis.  Find yourself an old star chart (or planisphere), something printed decades ago on hardcopy, and compare the position of the stars.  As long as you use one for your correct latitude, the stars will be where they are supposed to be.  

    Quote:  "Also the fact of "Planet X" and the fact that is was on the news saying it had been found, which leads me to believe it is getting close enough to see, which is why I think there building the worlds largest telescope in Antarctica."

    You do not need the world largest telescope to see something this huge within our own solar system.  It would be easily visible today to backyard astronomers everywhere, even with the smallest of instruments.

    There are plenty of things to worry about:  The economy, the war, energy, the state of global insecurity, any of which may lad to a termendous tragedy;  but, we needn't worry about some fabricated Mayan farce.

  6. I think if something significant were to happen on a world-wide scale, it might be in 2012 (that's when the Mayan calendar ends).  

    If the end of the world is coming by means of "Planet X" (or Wormwood as it's also known I believe), that is supposedly going to come near the Earth's orbit and cause major havoc due to its gravitational pull, I think the government would be the first ones to know about.  Organizations like NASA probably could see the approaching "Planet X" with their super telescopes.

    However, I don't think the government would tell people about this - at least not right away.  (I think the government gets a bad rep for things like conspiracies and all that, but perhaps they are looking out for everyone's well-being - I mean, if they made such an announcement now that "Planet X" will be nearly colliding with Earth in 2012 and a lot of people will die, I think that would cause fear and pandemonium on a global scale.  Lots of people would freak out, and society could crumble.)  So, who knows - maybe the governement will make an announcement about such an event closer to the actual date (given that they do know about it themselves).

    I try not to think about such things as the end of the world, or  other esoteric subjects like that.  Don't get me wrong, I find these subjects interesting - I just don't let them take up too much room in my head, because then it would take away from what I value in life - enjoying life, friends, family, career, good food, pets, health, community, hobbies, etc.

  7. No. The bible makes it clear when the world will be ending. Not the government.

    "In God we trust."

  8. enough with the stupid end of the world questions. its ridiculous that people are crazy enough to believe this. i myself have believed it for awhile when i was a kid, but now i understand more things and know more things and i know that the 2012 end of the world thingy isn't going to happen. in 2012 i will be graduating high school and planning to go to college,get a job,and maybe start a family. Enjoy life NOW!!! you only get 1 chance.

  9. Wow. What channels are you watching?

    1. The seed storage vault is being built by Norway in the Arctic region, not the Antarctic. It is backed by over one-hundred countries as a way to prevent the extinction of species in the event of a calamity, natural or man-made. This is not something to be frightened of, it should be applauded as sound thinking and proactive action, just in case.

    2. The Earth is tilted, approximately 23 degrees off-axis, and has been for the entire history of humankind and for millions of years before that. It is this tilt that causes the mid-latitude regions of the Earth to experience the four seasons. The Sun has not changed position relative to the Earth in any significant way. Also, nothing to worry about.

    3. Antarctica provides a stable environment for many different aspects of science. For Astonomy, it provides cloudless skies and very steady air. The telescope being assembled there is in no way near the largest ever, not even close. But conditions there are good for astronomy, so why not take advantage of it? There are also superb conditions in Chile, and telescopes are being built there as well for the same reason.

    4. The Planet X concept is an absolute hoax, do not believe anyone who tries to tell you that some giant planet is coming into our solar system. The term has been in use for over one hundred years and was first used to describe Neptune and then Pluto, once Neptune's orbit had been correctly calculated by Urbain Le Verrier. It is simply a reference to the disturbances in the orbits of the planets by other bodies. All the planets are in steady regular orbits around the Sun; the changes that occur in these orbits are so minor that our children's children's children's children's children's children's children will STILL have nothing to worry about.

    Put your energy into being the very best person you can be, and strive as much you can to help others do the same. Don't waste time on listening to those who have nothing better to do than cause fear instead creating goodness, spreading lies and believing in made-up stories. If we all work together, this "end of the world" that some fear will never, ever happen.

  10. Leave the TV off for a few weeks. You'll feel much better.

    The Earth is fine, and there's nothing you can do about it.

  11. Actually I think Planet X actually turned out to be Neptune because during a certain point of Neptune's and pluto's revolution, Neptune becomes farther away from the sun than Pluto. I don't see the world ending anytime soon which means that unfornately for the planet, humans will be around even longer. Our galaxy is on a collision course which another galaxy. We are pretty close to a dying star which will probably explode or implode, but it possible could affect us or not.

  12. They're not doing a very good job of it.

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