
Is the government of the U.S.A. perceived as a rogue nation around the world.?

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I'm redoing this question because my mis-spelling of the word "rogue" was too much if a distaction for some people.




  1. I can say that it is very hard to understand the US. It 's people are very religious but they carry guns. They hate wars but love to do battle. They seem to care about other nation, just as long as they agree with the US. Most US citizens have never been active in their government day to day activities. From the outside it looks like organize chaos. The US can have it's very highs and it's very lows.

  2. Who cares what the world thinks?  Asking other rogue nations if we are a rogue nation is like asking a criminal if he's guilty of a crime!  Have you ever talked with someone who was convicted.  Half of them blame someone else for their crime and then say, "I didn't do it."

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