
Is the government really out to get me????

by Guest62113  |  earlier

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Is the government really out to get me????




  1. Out to get you what,they don't give out presents just tax bills

  2. No.  The government functions to protect our rights.  It is criminal politicians in positions of authority, who abuse that authority, that are the problem.

    Just as in a football game, when you go outside the playing field, you are not playing football.  By the same token, when elected or appointed public servants, circumvent or ignore the Constitution, when they abuse the rights of the American people, it is NOT the government that is at fault.  It is criminal politicians who are breaking the law.  They take an oath to support and defend the Constitution.  When they violate that oath, they are no longer acting as agents of the government.  They are criminals.

  3. Probably not...

  4. ha ha, sometimes it does seem that way, don't it....who knows, maybe their after all of us?

  5. yes and so is the easter bunny

    good luck

  6. No, they're not out to get you, they just want to control your life

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