
Is the grass really greener on the other side?

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Is the grass really greener on the other side?




  1. It appears to be, but when you get over the fence, the grass will appear to be greener in the place you just left...

    That's what the saying is really about, how you always want what you don't already have, and the places you COULD be seem a little nicer than where you are right now.  But they have their faults too.

  2. Probably not.  In my experience, the other side of the fence has its own set of drama as well.

  3. I would say not really, because you can always say that someone has it better then you do, even if your life is really pretty nice compared to others around you.    Dont change places or try to, because you will regret it in the end run.

  4. sometimes it is, especially if you live in Kentucky

  5. It depends on what "other side" your talking about. If you mean, "Is the grass greener on the south side of Antarctica?", the answer is no. If you mean, "Is the grass greener on the North side of Africa?", the answer is still no. Keep asking yourself questions like that and you will see that the answer will always be "no", because the "other side" cannot be measured by distance. You can't tell if the grass is really greener on the other side.

  6. no it is not.

    everybody thinks that nother other side must be better.

    of course ur gonna think it is better.

    people think that where there at is good but they will always think the other side is better when really its not..

    they just dont relize how good they got it...

    hope that makes sence

  7. That saying has a basis in fact.  The grass that you are standing on has its barren and dry spots. So does the grass that you see from afar, but all you see is the prevalent color. Just as when landing at an airport you see the layout of the city but not its litter or potholes. Distance lends enchantment. So much for the literal interpretation of your question.

    As for the metaphorical aspect, wherever we go we take ourselves with us. In the new place we may find opportunities that we never had before.  On the other hand, we may be faced with dangerous temptations that we never had to wrestle with before. If being well-known is a handicap in your home town, being a stranger may be an advantage in the new place.  If you showed initiative that was not appreciated at home, it may be appreciated elsewhere. If you show no initiative anywhere, you will be respected nowhere.

    It is said that Abe Lincoln was approached by an indigent who asked him for a nickel for the ferry ride.  Lincoln said "If you don't have five cents, what difference does it make what side of the river you're on?"

  8. I don't know about the grass on the other side but I can tell you that the grass is definitely greener over the septic tank.

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