
Is the grave (after barzakh) considered Dunya or Akhira?

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Is the grave (after barzakh) considered Dunya or Akhira?




  1. I think it's really in between. But I guess closer to Akhira.


  2. its in between

  3. Akhira

    Anything after the moment of death is Akhira. The Akhira starts in the grave.

  4. Barzakh is an interim place between dunya and akhirat....

    Akhirat starts immediately after qiamat when all are resurrected after the second blowing of the trumpet by the angel Israfil.

    Kindly refer to Surah Ya-Sin, Ayat 51,

    Translated as per following:

    "And the trumpet shall be blown, when lo ! from their graves they shall hasten on to their Lord."


  5. Salaam alaikum,

    Dear brother the answer is withing your question itself, but, to make it clear I will try to elobrate a bit.

    The word Barzakh itself means that which is not seen, it also means barrier between tow things.  If you refer the Quran in sura Ar-Rahman 55:20 the word Barzakh is mention there which refer to the barrier between two seas (salt and sweet) which is not visible and which does not allow the two seas to mingle.

    The grave certainly belongs to Barzakh, as the Dunya is what we live in and Akhira is what comes after.

    I hope this answers your question, I recommend you to refer to Quran and Sahih Hadeeth.

    I ask forgiveness from Allah if at all anything I said goes away from Quraan or Sahih Hadeeth.  Wallah hu Aalam.

  6. It was Akhira ..because Allah swt already said...The life on earth is Dunya,the Grave world is Barzakh,then,the Spirit of Human raise from its body and walk through the Mahsyar field and thats Akhira..afer that,all the people will survive from Siratul-Mustaqin(Bridge of As-Sirrat) to the Heaven,and the sinful people will fall out from the bridge into the h**l..Astaghfirullahalazim

  7. Akhira, it is kind of in between. You have left this world for good and have not yet reached your destiny.

    May Allaah(swt) have mercy on all of the muslims who are in al barzakh, may He(swt) widen their grave, shower his mercy and open them a window through his jannati-na'eem.

  8. I guess in between

    Until, death comes to one of them (those who join partners with Allah),he says : My Lord! Send me back,

    "So that i may do good in that which i have left behind!''No! It is but a word that he speaks ; and behind them is barzakh (a barrier) until the day when they will be resurrected.

    surah: al muminun verse: 99-100

  9. Akhira. Since akhira means after, it means after life. Ure life ends when u die, so barzakh would be in the after life.

    Peace for all!

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