
Is the greatest form of love sacrifice?

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As in, you love someone and he can't love you, so you consciously leave him alone to live his life happily ever after.




  1. true love is sacrificial.  you are right.

  2. yeah. Love is making someone you love happy. Isn't not what love is about. So setting him free is loving him. In same manner open your door for new love to come in.  

  3. there isnt a greatest form of love

  4. Well, I don't know if it truly is the greatest form of love.  All I know is that, because I love him, I'm letting him go so he can be happy without me.  So maybe it is, and maybe it's not, but it is a great form of love in any case.

  5. The greatest love there is ... "is to give up your life so that another may live".

    You can take it from there darlin.

  6. Love is a selfless act. If you try to control someone to stay with you I would say you don't love them. Just yourself and you do not want to be lonely.  

  7. I do agree with you. I love the person who is of same type. and my love is one way traffic. But i enjoy it.

  8. well, there is no point having a one sided relationship is there ? after a while you will end up resenting him/her and end up fighting  etc .......

    best is to just walk away ..........

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