we have been warned about this for years, if enough cold water enters the north atlantic, the gulf stream will shut off and cause temperatures to drop by up to 10c in britain and europe. this will result in ice age conditions, causing food shortages and a shift in the thermal equator changing the worlds rainfall patterns, resulting in mass famine in already 3rd world countries. what worries me is the recent news of greenland being ice free this summer, this is that extra cold water im talking about guys. and this thing usually flows fine for 1000s of years. the last time when it just slowed down actually resulted in the little ice age when frost fairs where held on the river thames in London, it never actually stopped. however it has stopped 3 times in the last 3 years. I hate to be a doomsdayer but I have researched this very heavily and im afraid it doesnt look good. why is the goverment not telling us or even mentioning this, its a serious threat to mankind. high fuel & food prices?