
Is the guy in assassins creed muslim?

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just wondering was the guy in assassins creed muslim cuz im




  1. AL-Tair is an Arabic word of meaning "The Bird" Surely Assassins (derived from Arabic word "hashishane"or "Hashish") were Real , but Al-Tair ibn la-ahad , is just a supposed name of a real character , I mean look at his name
    Al-Tair  means "the bird"and ibn-la-ahad means "son of no one"

  2. Why dont you people just search on wikipedia Altairs mother was a christian and his father was a muslim 

  3. Altair is not a Muslim. However Altair is an Arabic word.

    Guest20521065 is right. Altair(الطير) is not Al-Tahir(الطاهر).

    Tahir is an Arabic Muslim name and it means 'Pure'.

    'Tair' on the other hand means 'Bird'.

    The word 'Al' attached before the words 'Tahir' and 'Tair' means 'the'. Collectively meaning 'The Pure' and 'The Bird'.

    No Arab or Muslim keeps his name as Altair (The Bird).

    If you analyse his full name, Altair-ibn-La Ahad. You'll laugh at it if you understand Arabic.

    They supposedly kept his name Altair considering how fast he moves and assassinates with his free-running or "flying" skills.

    This concludes that Altair is fictional Arab character but not a Muslim.

  4. he was a muslim who was fooled by his leader (al-mualim)who made every1 else believe he was god and that he could give them paradise,being an assasin for the right reason is not haram e.g altair killed to protect his kingdom (if you have played the game you would know)to protect the people living there so yea he is a muslim.

    i know so because my name is Altair ALI  

    علي الطاهر so yea he is muslim

  5. i am muslim my self and i think the answer is  yes and no because they only kill dudes who try to kill him. altair is muslim but i dont think ezio is

  6.  HES A f*****g MUSLIM

  7. lmaooo altair is shia ismaili(know ourdays Known as Jaffariya) muslim and ezio is a descendant of altair because altair did u know what with maria and from there ezio is from and altairs armor was in italy n what took his armor there?

  8. hes got no religion =) + i am a muslim myself

  9. ezio in this game is the chosen one !!

  10. whats the point of this discussion and saying "muslims' stuff is assassination" cut off the non sense, ezio is not muslim anyways thats clear as water. He's not even related to altair -___- why bother finding a link there and proving religious belief

  11. mhhm i do think that altair is muslim cuz all that assasin stuff came from muslims and his name is arabic too :)
    about ezio well many people say that he's not a muslim what i believe too but he's doin' stuff muslims came up with :)

    ... he's steelin' ideas and is callin' himself an assasin without bein' part of that group which would mean he has to be muslim :O
    crazy stuff :D

  12. Correction :
    Altair is not Al-Tahir
    but its an Arabic name none the less

  13. Altair is actually Al-Tahir(it think)And that leader of creed Al-Mualam.Both are clearly Muslim names.
    The term assassins comes from "Hashshashin".  This was a group founded by Hasan ibn Sabbah, again a Muslim(ignoring the discussion that he wasn't actually a follower of Islam but pretended to be so). So originally Assassin's were basically Muslims. However their belief "nothing is true, everything is permitted" - Hassan ibn Sabbah is totally against Islam and against other religions too.
    So answer to the question "Is the guy in assassins creed Muslim?" is both yes and no.  He lives in Muslim society but doesn't actually follow Islam. Infact Assassins don't follow any religion, a fact which became more clear in AC2.

  14. You're confusing the original Assassin's Creed game with the sequel.

    The main character in Assassins Creed, Altair, IS Muslim.  The story takes place during the third crusade, in the middle east.

    The main character in Assassins Creed II, Enzio, is Italian and presumably Catholic (I haven't played the game).  That story takes place hundreds of years after the first game.

  15. no! h**l no! his name is ezio auditore da firenze  how is that muslim! does he sound muslim too you??? no!

  16. no! h**l no! his name is ezio auditore da firenze  how is that muslim! does he sound muslim too you??? no!

  17. hes italian

  18. yes he is, hes from syria

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