
Is the guy who knocked up Palin's kid an Obama plant?

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Hired by the Obama campaign a year ago in order to get her pregnant to embaress the potential Republican VP nominee?




  1. LOL  sure why not.  LOL

  2. Get freakin real. YOU are an idiot.  

  3. Who would he send in, Rosie Odonell?

  4. If it was obama would be handing out the old coat hanger.  

  5. Plant is the operative word.

  6. No, I do not believe that Rev Ted Haggard works for Senator Obama

  7. Seroquel, Zyprexa, these are the meds for you!

  8. There a term for that.  I won't go there.

  9. No, but if the daddy thought it was a one night stand, he is sadly mistaken.  He is locked in and will eat moose stew for the rest of his life or until McCain and Palin lose.  

  10. Hang on I have to find my tinfoil hat and go to my parents basement before I answer this one.

  11. yes

  12.   That is as stupid as anything I've seen here yet.

  13. No. Palin's daughter was not pregnant. You are repeating an evil liberal lie that id designed to destroy a family and a child's life. Disgusting is too nice a word for what you are doing.

  14. No, he's like little Cheyene, or Dakotah, or Misty, or whatever her name is again...

    Another child of conservatives who has been lied to by his leaders and told condoms don't work.

    That's why children of evangelicals have more VD and unwanted pregnancies than any other group.

  15. I doubt it, but the Palin family sure makes a case for family planning.

  16. Maybe it was the same guy that impregnated Jamie Lyn Spears!

  17. Only if there really is a Star Chamber or an Alien Intelligence on MArs directing the whole ludicrous show.

  18. If Obama had that much foresight into the campaign he wouldn't be sitting there with egg on his face looking like an idiot for treating Hillary like a second rate citizen.  

    McCain / Palin '08

    Palin / ? '12

  19. No. But you can believe that if it makes you feel better.

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