
Is the hadith about the 73 sects reliable?

by Guest59156  |  earlier

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Because if it's true, it's just so hard to believe that only the Khawarij sect will see jannah. I think it's unfair that all the other sects' deeds were done in vain, don't you?




  1. As Salaam to you all,

    All secular ideology bar one is biddah because they have added to the faith that which is not to be there.

    There was never a secular belief before the death of the Prophet (pbuh) and Allah (SWT) in His Glorious Qur'an calls everyone a Muslim who follows His faith by following the deeds of His Prophet (pbuh).

    Those sects that have come and gone are not included within the total of the 73 sects and Allah (SWT) will allow that which He wants until He pulls away the rug from under them.

    Now, I am not an actor, for I can only be myself. I cannot stand in someone else's shoes, which is what some say a Muslim must do? I am not the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), whom I love above all others except Allah (SWT), yet I cannot be something I am not, for I am just me. I do what I can in the name of my Lord and Master Allah (SWT) by using guidance from the Prophet (pbuh). Yet man has moved away from his faith more and more and no longer knows his true place in matters concerning his belief, for his belief has become clouded by his forebears and leaders. We must return to the time before the death of the Prophet (pbuh) in light of what we see and know today as being wrong but also knowing what should be right from wrong.

    Wa Salaam.  

  2. I heard about that.

  3. Salaam

    I would say it is very reliable. Already we have broken up into some many sects, some that i've only heard about in y/a answers. As for what sect/group of muslims will go to jannah, only Allah knows that and we do not have the right to say who is/is not going to janaah.

    Also you have to understand that Allah's mercy encompasses all. Inshallah all those that believe firmly in Allah and strived to do good will enter jannah.

  4. not only this but all hadith books are ABSOLUTELY NOT reliable,TOTAL FABRICATIONS,CONJECTURE AND LIES

    39:23 "God has revealed the best 'Hadith'; a book that is consistent..........."

    @ Sarah Joseph,,Prophet Followed the religion of Prophet Ibraheem.

    the question is what was Prophet Muhammed's Kalimah/Shahadah ?

  5. I can bring you the Takhreej of the Ahadeeth pertaining to the 73 sects but there's no way Yahoo Answers will let me post even a quarter of that. The Ahaadeeth are authentic and there is no doubts about that. If you want to discuss it from a point of view of Mustalah al Hadeeth i'll be happy to bring you the Takhreej of the Ahadeeth and you can try debate it.

    As for the link, I hardly see what that has got to do with the Hadeeth. The Khawaarij are from the 72 destroyed sects. In fact some of the Ulemaa (the minority) such as Imaam Ahmad did not even consider them to be from the 73 sects and considered them outside of al Islaam and the evidence they used is the Hadeeth that they will pass through the deen like the arrow passes through the target but this position is a weak position as we know Ibn 'Umar radhiallaahu anhu prayed behind Najdah bin 'Aamir al Harooree so the Sahaabah established the Salaah behind them but they're considered from the 72 destroyed sects.


    Shaykh Saaleh bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan speaks about the one who claims that the Hadeeth of the 73 sects is Da'eef and mentions that the Hadeeth is Saheeh:

  6. And who said that the Kharajite will be the one sect that will enter Jannah? The Hadith only mentioned that the one sect out of the 73 are people who follow the Quran and the Sunnah.

  7. Is creating sects in Islam allowed?

    What was the sect/religion of Prophet Mohammad PBUH?

    Is it even Mustahab in Islam to create a sect?

    3:103 And hold fast, all together, unto the bond with God, and do not create sects amongst you.

    3:105 And be not like those who have drawn apart from one another and have taken to conflicting views after all evidence of the truth has come unto them: for these it is for whom tremendous suffering is in store

    6:159 VERILY, as for those who have broken the unity of their faith and have become sects - thou hast nothing to do with them. Behold, their case rests with God: and in time He will make them understand what they were doing.

    30:32 [or] among those who have broken the unity of their faith and have become sects, each group delighting in but what they themselves hold [by way of tenets].

    I know that there is a Hadith which TELLS that the Muslim Ummah WILL be divided into 72 or 73 sects. BUT it also says that ALL sects will go to h**l except the ONE WHO FOLLOWS ALLAH AND MY SUNNAH. This is what taught in Quran:

    "Say: Obey Allah and His Messenger.: But if they turn back, Allah loveth not those who reject Faith." [Qur’aan 3:32]

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