
Is the hair removal product "nair" safe for use on chest/arm hair?

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I want to remove hair on my chest but I dont want to shave or wax. I hesitate to try nair because it is pitched as an alternative to shaving for females, and because I dont know anything about adverse effects.




  1. If you do it correctly I think it will be ok, just don't burn yourself.  That would suck.  But it won't make any rash or anything unless you do burn yourself and your skin is dry and turns reddish and flaky, but if you don't burn yourself, again, I am almost certain it will be fine.

  2. You can get one for sensitive skin, that should be fine. Do a little discreet patch first, just in case, but I don't think you'll have any probs.

  3. I use Nair on my legs, and it works fine. I dont know if it will create a rash or not, but try the Nair Bikini Area Cream.

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