
Is the horrific death of Eight Belles the biggest tragedy in the 133 year history of the Kentucky Derby ?

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Is the horrific death of Eight Belles the biggest tragedy in the 133 year history of the Kentucky Derby ?




  1. Yes. This has not happened before. It's an honest to goodness, completely AWFUL tragedy.

    What's with the thumbs down? No horse has broken down before after running the Kentucky Derby. I'm not one of those "they killed the horse freaks" either.

  2. I read that just now.  Very sad :(  I always wondered why they have to put down a horse if it falls.  ?

  3. I can't think of anything that matches this tragedy, or the way it was cast aside by the media like kicking a small rock off a walking path.

  4. Almost seems like animal cruelty to me.  Did you see the condition of the track that the horses had to run on?  Doesn't seem right to me.:(

  5. The 2008 Kentucky Derby was the scene of the worst tragedy Derby fans have ever witnessed at that festive occasion.

  6. It sure does feel like it right now.  I believe it is, and will be.  It will also get people really thinking about the humaneness of the sport.

    I was at the track for the Oaks yesterday and the track was MUDDY.  Horses can run in mud, but not in the Derby.  There was lightning, and 5 horses were pulled because their owners didn't want to risk it.  I think they do care for their horses, but I also think we, as humans, have a very anthropocentric view of the world.  We would never let our kids run in the Derby.  

    It begs another question:  Is it worth it, considering many horses die in this "sport" but many live?

    It's like sending people to war, imo.

  7. it's sad because those animials go through horrible abuse to be trained so people can bet and earn money on them sometimes . i was raised in kentucky and around horses before moving to l.a. and have a huge love and respect for them . my aunt also worked at church hill downs for a short time  helping training and breaking in the horses and told some pretty bad storys on how they are sometimes treated and put down if they don't captalize enough money and from injuries. the sadest i think was Swell. they raced him so hard his heart blew out on him on the race track .

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