
Is the housing situation out of control?

by  |  earlier

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Do I have to go back and live in mammy house when I come home, or do I have to close 2 banks to buy a 2 bedroom





  1. Is currently out of control. Why ?

    Building materials are much more expensive because:

    1) local inflation.

    2) China's demand for materials is pushing up the demand internationally for cement, steel, etc.

    3)Our government insists that It must construct houses and hotels and diplomatic centres, and hence drive the price for materials even higher.

    Land prices have also sky rocketed over the last couple of years. Imagine I saw a few lots of land in a rural area for about

    $1,000,000. It was disgusting.

    Your options are:

    1) Live with your parents for free. ( but you have to deal with nagging and cutting the bush for them)

    2) Live with your inlaws. ( and get cussed every other day)

    3) Squat on government lands and hope they don't notice you before statute of limitations expires. (You may need to beg wasa and t&tec for a line for some years)

    4) Take out a morgage and buy you own home. ( you can kiss your dream car and holidays for the next 12 years goodbye).

    5) Rent.( well, i just don't like renting)

  2. yes i agree buying or building a house is expensive my dad took 17 years to pay out for his house then 1 year to renovate which cost approximately 100,000.00 maybe more the point is if someone is manning right hand worker only that person can afford to have 2 or 3 houses at once in different islands even renting from someone is hard god help the people of trinidad cause manning isn't doing it for us how many have to suffer and die as a result of his lack of ability to run the country

  3. yes the housing situation is out of control but if anybody noticed the government is building houses for it citizens,yes it is cheap but you also have to look at the economics, with all these materials they are buying the prices of building materials are also going up.

    You think housing in trinidad is expensive come to bermuda and try to buy one.

    And no i have not recieve a house from the present or past gov but i bought it through some hard work and penny pinching(except for the alchol and the PS2)

  4. 2 banks will get you a galvanize shack with no roof. manning is running this country to the ground. instead of using money for something useful he uses it on a jet. only God can help Trinidad nw.

  5. ammm.....

    for real it lil too expensive to afford a house in Trinidad.

    so yeah closed down a couple banks and u mite jus get urself a 2 bed. shack....if yuh lucky

    or yuh cud live wid mammy but then tht means restrictions and shame to say yuh livin wid mammy even now tht yuh a grown *** hardback man

  6. nah TS dread it under control de mafia

    dey see yuh paying ah rent but eh want to give yuh no mortgage even after yuh have the $$$ fu downpayment and legal fees

    Legal fees go kill yuh if yuh eh look sharp eh dem lawyers eh easy at all (i guess the BMW looking good in the showroom)

    AND when yuh done get de house yuh have to fortify it with razor wire CCTV and bad dog cause now self people tink yuh loaded with $$$

    Frigg dat yes i headin fu de hills ...goin and do de back to nature ting - pay no tax no rent nuttin drink river water and eat fruits and wild meat wit yam and ting

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