
Is the humanization of pets creating friction between humans?

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Why do you think some people want to take their pets wherever people can go or give them the same rights as people? Why do you think that some people get upset when pets are brought into places like restaurants, malls, hotels, etc?




  1. Anthropomorhism can be taken to extremes. Pardon the pun, but in this day of so many wanting to be copy cats of their favorite celebrity, you've probably seen the many young women carrying tiny dogs in purses to emulate Paris Hilton.

    It's cruel to the animal to treat them as a human. I treat my dog as a dog- in other words, what is best for her and her health. She's a very healthy mixed breed. I only take her to PetSmart once in a while just so she can have fun meeting other dogs. Other than that, she has a normal life. Though she is friendly and has never even growled at anyone in 12 years, I keep her on a leash at all times when outside the home. She is my responsibility. Not just for laws, but for civil decency. No person who's been bitten by a dog and remembers need fear mine as she is always with me on walks, not dashing where she pleases.

    I do get annoyed when people insist on special privileges for animals that aren't for their aid, such as dogs for the blind. Yes, she's part of the family, but it would be extremely arrogant of me to bring her into a restaurant.

  2. Not all dog owners are this way. I know some who would never dream of bringing their dogs into public places where they could be frightened, stepped on, and kicked by accident. They also know that if a child accidentally stepped on its tail and it bit them, then they would be held responsible. It's not worth it for them.

    The reason many people don't like having pets brought into public places isn't necessarily because they don't like them. Many people have allergies or it grosses them out to see dogs peeing on the floors or to be able to smell it. Animals also shed and many people object to their hair flying around or seeing it on the furniture or carpets. People have different standards of cleanliness. Maybe living in a house that reeks of dog pee and where there's hair everywhere doesn't bother some people but it sure does bother others.

  3. They wanna take them everywhere because they consider their pets a part of the family.

    Those who are opposed to this are mainly people who don't like animals, feel disgusted when they see a dog l**k it's owner and the owner not minding it.

    People have weird opinions on just about everything in life. That's just how humans are, and probably always will be.

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