
Is the hypocrisy of McCain's VP choice making you think otherwise about giving him your vote?

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Sarah Palin has even less experience than Obama, an issue that has been the cornerstone of McCain's campaign. But now news outlets such as CNN are saying due to her youth, beauty, and "miss congeniality" pageant status, she could become a "celebrity" just like Obama supposedly is. Does the McCain campaign's blatant hypocrisy and obvious attempt to compete with Obama's "celebrity-ism" make you upset and if so are you considering changing your vote?




  1. Well his selection of running mate, Govenor Palin has just given me 2 new insights into McCain's view of women .  Cindy must never be consulted by Sen. McCain in his decisions, because I would hope to think that she would have said "Are you kidding ME?", and McCain likes the woman around him to be tough in the field of business, beautiful and very conservative.

  2. say that and yet you don't see any hypocrisy in Obama's choice of Biden, a man close to McCain's age and the ultimate Washington insider, for the VP slot?!  

    It's really entertaining to watch all the Obamabots trying to do damage control today.  I smell fear and desperation!  Poor dears...

    edit:  McCain's age has never been a cornerstone of the Obama campaign...huh?!?  Have you had your head buried in the sand for the past 6 mths or so.  That issue, and trying to tie him to Bush is ALL the Obama supporters have had to use against him.  One of the first 527 ads of this campaign cycle was the "McCain is older than dirt"  TV ad by Obama's buddy (and probable puppet master) George Soren's Media Matters.  I'll say this for you...your thought process (i.e. the way you process information) is... ummmmm ..."interesting" if nothing else (yes, that word again.  I'm trying to be polite here).

    BTW:  McCain has been accused of being "too liberal" by some as well.   And being liberal is just as much a part of being "Washington establishment" as being conservative.  You seem a little unclear about that.

  3. What are you talking about? She is not running for President,and she is the only one with Executive experience. Hmm, a VP with executive exp. when the whole lot is lacking executive experience.Obama is running for President not VP, he has no Executive experience, and has never ran any business.What is Obama and Biden bringing to the table, answer nothing same old same old. Enough said.

  4. McCain already had my vote long before Palin came on the spotlight.

    Palin is just icing on the cake. Palin gave me more reason to vote for her and McCain.

    Obama is just old talk, old lies, and cheap democrat talk.

    McCain and Palin 2008  

  5. Hypocrisy?!?  Where are you getting that from?  

    He's not looking for a celebrity - he's looking for a forward thinker and Palin has done LOADS for the state of Alaska.... do some research (and watching TV isn't "research" ) check a variety of sources to get the real picture.

  6. Mccain already got my vote long before this.

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  7. I know this is going to disappoint you, but Palin's pick has completely solidified my vote for McCain.

    Palin actually has gubernatorial experience (see: EXECUTIVE experience), something that Obama, Biden, and even McCain don't have,

    And if I have to choose between a very experienced president/less experienced VICE president and an inexperienced president/experienced VICE president ticket, I'd choose the first one.  

  8. I never considered voting McCain-but there is more hypocrisy to this then most people realize.

    Considering McCain called Cindy a derogatory name (think "punt" with a "c" instead of a "p") when she jokingly commented on his thinning hair-his respect for women is very questionable. He did not rebuke a campaign worker when she said "How do we beat the (female dog term)" with regards to Hillary. Instead he stifled (not very well) a laugh. Now he hopes to lure her supporters with this Pro-life, anti-gun control, under investigation for "abuse of power" substitute? It is a good pick-for the Democrats to win.

  9. Actually,she has at least as much Experience as Obama.In fact I would argue more,since he has spent 80% of his first Term in the Senate running for President,not being Senator.Meanwhile she's been in Alaska doing the job Alaskans Elected her to do.Sure beats Obama's 100 or so work days so far.


  10. Not at all.  As a leader she's had more experience than Obama.  Obama has been a senator, he's been part of an organization, but when has he been the leader of an organization?  I like her.  As soon as McCain made his pick I looked her up.  She's stood up to both Republicans and Democrats.  She's very clear in her beliefs and does not give partial answers or half-truths.  She is more interested in the people than her party, unlike most of the party-line democrats I've seen.  Obama promises change, but the more I listen to him I hear the same old liberal party line.  He has yet to clearly state what 'change' he will be bringing.  

  11. Hypocrisy?  No.  Stupidity?  Maybe.

    I'm so disgusted with McCain right now in picking such an inexperienced VP.

  12. Oh stop people you're making me pee my pants.

    Thanks for being such great entertainment for the rest of the world however.  Now for some lessons on that "thing" running for VP next to that "old thing".

    Before her meteoric rise to political success as governor, just two short years ago Sarah Palin was the mayor of Wasilla.  I had a good chuckle at’s claim that she had been the mayor of “Wasilla City”.  It is not a city.  Just Wasilla.  Wasilla is the heart of the Alaska “Bible belt” and Sarah was raised amongst the tribe that believes creationism should be taught in our public schools, homosexuality is a sin, and life begins at conception.  She’s a gun-toting, hang ‘em high conservative.  Remember…this is where her approval ratings come from.  There is no doubt that McCain again is making a strategic choice to appeal to a particular demographic - fundamentalist right-wing gun-owning Christians.  And Republican bloggers are already gushing about how she has ‘more executive experience’ than Obama does!  Above is a picture of lovely downtown Wasilla, for those of you unfamiliar with the area.  Behind the Mug-Shot Saloon (the first bar I visited when I moved to Alaska long ago) is a little strip mall.  There are street signs in Wasilla with bullet holes in them.  Wasilla has a population of about 5500 people, and 1979 occupied housing units.  This is where your potential Vice President was two short years ago.  Can you imagine her negotiating a nuclear non-proliferation treaty?  Discussing foreign policy?  Understanding non-Alaskan issues?  Frankly, I don’t even know if she’s ever been out of the country.  She may ‘get’ Alaska, but there are only a half a million people here.  Don’t get me wrong….I love Alaska with all my heart.  I’m just saying.

    AS THEY SAY:  The APPLE doesn't fall far from the TREE.

    Now off to Bible Camp for you!!!  March!!!

    Wonder what she did for her last meteoric rise...wonder what she did for THIS metoric rise!!

    She's to please the Evangelistic lot that currently holds government by the CAHONES and whose insane plan to control America and the WORLD is really what drives the Republican Agenda.

    Vote Obama...the only sane choice.


  13. McCain is toast.  He's grasping at straws picking this woman.  

  14. McCain has this election all wrapped up. Bye,Bye Obama. Sniff, Sniff.

  15. I was always an Obama supporter, but McCain's utterly ridiculous VP pick makes me extremely happy. McCain's slipping. He's desperate, and has quite vividly shown us his lack of a backbone. With a young, highly inexperienced, pretty female for VP, what else does he have to attack Obama with? He's too tall to lead?

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