
Is the idea of Loki being a fire deity misinformation...?

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...considering he lost an eating contest WITH fire, itself?




  1. hmmm

    sounds kinda grimm to me

  2. I'm not too good with Norse mythology, but I think everyone would lose when it comes to fire. Fire, the almighty essence, consuming and yet embracing.

  3. I believe it is based on a mistranslation, though I can't say where the idea came from exactly.  

    Unfortunately, there is no extant source that describes the metaphysical aspects of the norse gods as they were understood by the people at the time.  It's likely that most people never thought about them in such a way, so it's impossible to know for sure, but my take on Loki is that he is the bridge between the Aesir (who represent conscious cognitive forces), and the material world, where those forces are given shape.  That's why Loki is depicted as a trickster, using intelligence & guile to achieve his purposes.

    The inherent limitations of material existence (ie- that all things which exist will ultimately be destroyed) is reflected in the stories about Loki--

    Giants in norse mythology represent "pre-conscious," uncontrollable forces of the material world.  Loki, as the son of a giant is therefore connected to material existence (this is also reflected in his ability to change shape and gender).  However, as the blood-brother of Odin, he is also connected to conscious forces that give order to reality.  In that sense, Loki is the synthesis of consciousness/platonic ideals/order and unconsciousness/physical being/disorder.  

    Because he represents the means by which ephemeral god-like ideals become manifest in reality, Loki plays a dual role in the myths.  He brings about the creation of the greatest gifts of the Aesir -- Mjolnir, Sleipnir, Sif's hair, Freyr's boat, the walls of Asgard, etc. -- while also bringing about the downfall of the Aesir --  Jormungand, Fenris, Hel, the death of Balder.

  4. more misguided > I wouldnt consider him to be a fire deity or even a deity for that matter

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