
Is the incident of the student being tasered a good example of the freedom that Al Qaeda hates about America?

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Is the incident of the student being tasered a good example of the freedom that Al Qaeda hates about America?




  1. i don't think al qaeda hates us for our freedom.  we don't have nearly as much of it as many people seem to think we do, and what we do have is continuously dwindling.  they probably hate us because of decades of foreign intervention, and because we're not an islamic theocracy.  they kill us because they're evil.

  2. In one of his released videos from 2004, Bin Laden mocked the idea that Al Qaeda hated America's freedoms and asked if it was about freedoms, then why hasn't Al Qaeda invaded for example Sweden?

    The problem has to do with America interfering in foreign affairs. Bin Laden has stated his hatred of America stems from it's coalition with Israel, such as when the American Sixth Fleet assisted Israel in 1982 in the invasion of Lebanon.  Other examples he cited were when Bush Sr. embargoed Iraq resulting in what he cliams as the greatest mass slaughter of children mankind has ever known.  He also reported the bombing of children and civilians by Bush Jr. as adding fuel to the fire, claiming it to be a means to pilfer Iraqi oil when a new government is set up by the US.

    Besides, when is tasering considered to be a "freedom"?  It's a form of oppression if anything.

  3. No I do not think the student tazering is a good example of the limited freedoms we have in the United States.  Al Qaeda simply hates America because we're not an Islamic nation, full of Islamic hatred of anything that doesn't bow down to their prophet.

  4. Oh no!, it's the 2000 elections fraud, what it gets them mad, see?, they are trying to help us.

  5. Maybe they hate the west because we're governing them with the barrel of a gun.  We want them to be just like us, w***e out our children, we're fat, lazy, greedy, ignorant, our women walk around like 5 dollar ho's, (I aint complaining about that part though), what they call sodomy, we call g*y (I was told by a couple of muslim co-workers that the work Gandu meant sodomite and that would be the worst thing you could call somebody in a muslim country). We're drunks and junkies, the list goes on and on.  They do call the west the Great Satan.  And you're deluding yourself if you think you're that free.  Chunky or smooth peanut butter, thats your only real choice.

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