
Is the increasing crime rate with knives increasing in Great Britain due to heavy gun control?

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I guess the criminals find it hard to obtain a gun so they have resorted to knives which has increased the amount of homicides in Great Britian.

Dont you think they should allow their citizens that are responsible and clear of any crimes and that follow the law to own guns to protect themselves?

Is Britian a great example on why we need to preserve our second amendment rights to own firearms?




  1. The problem in UK is their courts continue to fail to hold the criminal responsible for the crime.  They prefer to blame the owner of the gun or knife for the act.  Two reasons - first, the gun owner or knife owner probably has more $$ and can be fined for any damages.  Second - their courts have become politically correct where anyone can plead temporary insanity, etc etc and by placing the blame on the object it frees the court from digging into the criminals past history.

    No doubt once the knife registration and ban is fully operational and it is determined ten years later nothing was accomplish...... they will move on to registering hammers, hatchets, forks, etc etc until there is nothing left to register.

    Australia is a better example of why we need to keep the 2nd ammendment.  They spent more than $4 Billion dollars to buy back nearly all the firearms in the country - and made it extremely difficult for farmers to get any.  Once all the guns came off the streets violent crime increased 200% to 500% in all areas.   Although the politicians claim the gun buy program was a sucess - there is no stastistic that will prove this......everything points to the lack of guns increased the crime rate dramatically.... still, it's a success.  Duh?

    Hope this helps.

  2. Some criminals in Great Britain are probably using knives because they are easier to get.   Then when knives are heavily restricted, the violent criminals will choose another device that isn't completely restricted yet.

    I think any country should allow its citizens the right to keep and bear arms.  When some individuals choose to break the laws and use weapons to victimize others, they should face severe punishment rather than penalize everyone else.  Until Great Britain chooses to forget the silliness of "criminals rights" Great Britain is going to futher slide into decay.  Of course though, I suppose it is probably easier for the fools in power to wave a pen and ban guns than it is for the courts  to hand down life and death sentences to the violent criminals that have no place in society.  Great Britain has apparently softened up quite a lot in the last couple hundred years.

    There is no better example than Great Britain on why we should preserve and respect the 2nd Ammendment.  They are plagued with crime after enacting harsh gun laws.  Shooting for sport and hunting are hobbies that constantly have less and less followers.  Worse yet, some average guy would have to make the call of not owning a firearm to protect his family or break the law in owning one and hope for leniency should the firearm ever need to be used.  And I'm almost sure our expression of "hope in one hand and... in the other and see which one fills up sooner" would apply in such a situation.

  3. This is a perfect example of the statement:

    "________'s don't kill people,

    people kill people."

    It doesn't matter what word you put in the blank.

    Gun, knife, axe, baseball bat, hammer...a person can kill with endless items.

    A PERSON can.

    Not an ITEM.

    ...the fact remains the same.

    It's not the item that commits the crime.

    It's the criminal.

    You have to disassemble the social situation that creates the desire for violence to reduce the violent crime rate signifigantly.

    Banning the posession of items is passing the buck. It's a secret admission that the lawmakers are not willing to address the social conditions that breed the crime in the first place.

  4. another classic example of how stripping the law-abiding citizen of their guns does not stop crime any more than removing life vests from a ship, can keep it from sinking! In either situation, people are deprived of valuable "tools" needed to survive! but the end result crime/sinking ship, can and will happen with the tools or not. the choice is if you are going to be a survivor, or a casualty!!

  5. Of course! More guns=less crime.

  6. People will always defend themselves with whatever they have at hand. The gun grabbing commies thought that by banning all firearms in the UK all crime would dissapear magically below 10%. And guess what? It didn't, crime increased over 50% after the UK gun ban.

    Bad criminals will use knives if they can't have guns, and honest law abiding citizens will use knives to protect themselves from attacking criminals if they are denied access to these guns. Gun bans don't necessarily mean crime control, gun bans are the government's way to try to control the people.

    The government that are gun grabbers don't really care about your safety, they only care about expanding their power and working to create a godlike police state over the masses. The Second Amendment protects the power of the people from the abuses of a totalitarian government.

    Self defense is the right of every man, woman, and child in this planet. Anyone who restricts or tries to ban our right to defend ourselves from danger, is more criminal than Hitler. Hitler banned German Jews from owning guns, and this paved the way for their extermination. The point is, never surrender your guns.

  7. My answer to this question is take violent crime rates side by side on rise on percentages for Australia since they have banned nearly all guns and then look at the drop in rates in Florida since they passed a very gun owner friendly concealed carry permit law that allows any citizen that is mentally stable with a clean criminal record to carry a firearm concealed on their person in public.

  8. After the UK took away the common mans defenses and the poor Bobbies ability to defend their crime rate has gone through the roof. Knives are easy to get, easy to hide, cheap and are as deadly if not more so than a firearm.

    With a firearm, if it is discharged, everyone in a 1/2 mile radius knows it. With a knife in a back ally, the only two people that know it are the perp and the victim.

    So, with that said...

    A government that disarms its Citizens turns those Citizens in to Victims of crime and slaves to the government

  9. No!!

    In fact crime in Britain has dropped to an all time low, that includes knife crime. The problem is the victims of knife crime are getting younger which is why it's become news worthy. Also, it's only happening in London with it's gang culture which has a problem, but the gun ban is throughout the UK. If these young people had access to guns they'd be using them and getting shot instead of stabbed.

    There is no concept of a 'right to bear arms' in the UK. The vast majority of British people don't want to own guns, have never owned guns and don't want anyone else in the country to own guns - that's why the government banned them.

    I would point out that overall crime in London is far lower than in places like LA, and the homicide rate in the UK is far far lower than in the US. Personally, I don't want the 'responsibility to protect myself' if that means having a crime and murder rate as high as the US.

    Please clear up your own country before criticising mine!

  10. The logic in banning guns to prevent crime makes about as much sense as banning alcohol,if anything that increased crime.

  11. "A litany of failures were apparent as early as the year 2000, when CBS news reported that law and order in Britain was deteriorating at a rapid rate, while the country was experiencing a crime surge much more severe than any recorded in the U.S."

    "use of handguns to commit crimes rose 40% two years following the total ban on guns."

    "In 2002, the chance of being mugged in London was approx. 6 times greater than in New York City, NY." (which as strict gun control as well).

    “In fact, the motherland was indeed racing ahead by a substantial lead, sporting a crime rate in England and Wales that at times peaked at as much as 60% above the crime stats here in the U.S., with gun crimes being especially prominent?”

    Lantz, Gary (2/2008), Backfire in Britain,

       American's 1st Freedom, Feb 2008,

       p27 and 28

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