
Is the inherent evil of Nelson Mandela now becoming evident?

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Nelson Mandela was sold to a gullible liberal Western world as some sort of peaceful savior, even as his Communist ANC party targeted civilians with bomb attacks in South Africa to seize power there.

Now that South Africa has been reduced to the crime and AIDS capital of the world, and more recently the ground zero for vicious attacks on foreign blacks by South African blacks, whilst Mandela and his ANC cronies have become immeaurably wealthy just as their black populations' living standards have deterioated to levels far below what they were under white minority rule, is it now time to see this thug for what he is - a vicious Communist charlatan?




  1. I would research what Nelson Mandela has done in all ways. Then I would use the 'brain' that GOD gave me to make that decision. I am pretty lucky to be able to make my own determinations. What I think is NOT important, only what you value and follow through is of significance. Remember this, What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19. I wish you the very best. Peace!!!

  2. Yes, but only to those willing to see. Mandela's liberal supporters will never admit his evil just like they never admitted that Clinton's impeachment was about perjury, not s*x.

  3. Are you merely rephrasing "soapbox" rhetoric as questions in order to make them superficially appropriate for this site? Do you actually not have a question to ask?

  4. They got what they wanted

  5. Bla Bla Bla...

    Did you make this up yourself or did you copy and paste it from one of Alf's answers?

  6. Brad, the people that didn't actually lived in South Africa or those that were too young to remember, will never realise how vile these supposedly heroes of the ANC are. The ANC under the leadership of the old communist system and Mandela  have mislead their followers into believing in false heroic deeds. They were and still are just rank and file communist thugs. The sad fact is that the majority still keep on believing in this so called liberators although their living and economic situation did not improve.

    Propaganda may be administered in insidious ways. For instance, disparaging disinformation about the history of certain groups or foreign countries may be encouraged or tolerated in the educational system. Since few people actually double-check what they learn at school, such disinformation will be repeated by journalists as well as parents, thus reinforcing the idea that the disinformation item is really a "well-known fact". The disinformation is then recycled in the media and in the educational system, without the need for direct governmental intervention on the media. Such permeating propaganda may be used for political goals: by giving citizens a false impression of the quality or policies of their country or leaders, they may be incited to reject certain proposals or certain remarks or ignore the experience of others.

    Join the crowd: This technique reinforces people's natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their best interest to join.

  7. Just check the harvest from Mandelas crop. et al

  8. Mandela (one man) can not be held responsible for everything falling apart in South Africa. That he managed to prevent (or delay) a civil war in South Africa is a feat in itself.

    Mandela has long since lost leadership and any attempts to talk sense into their heads will not be heard as they have become deaf through greed. He is used as a souvenir, a mascot representing them and placating the world.

    We know that the ANC government are in it for the money and have no interest in their people. Many of them have made the most ludicrous statements that boggle the brain, are embarrassing, and make one highly suspicious…questioning the validity of the degrees they have behind their name.

    We must admit that a great number of black South Africans have naïve (blind faith in their government while they starve) and brutal mentalities that lack complete respect for life.

    I sometimes wonder and truly doubt whether ANY government would be capable of changing that.

  9. Brad you do not post on here often and I know you have been here way before me but all I can say to you is you should visit here more often, because what you say makes a lot of sense. I have hoped and believed in Mandela and hoped that he will make a difference, but alas, it seems what you say is 100% true. Shows you never to believe or put your hope in any politician. He and his cronies have really raped this beautiful country of ours and even if I do not want to say it, and even if I am still in denial, it seems we are heading for disaster like all the other countries in Africa. It seems Africa was cursed to be poor, war torn, poverty stricken and utmost corrupt. You are fortunate that you do not live here anymore.

  10. Sure. But don't forget that De Klerk is probably the chief @rsehole here. He made the handover possible! But definitely, Mandela was always an evil and greedy Af.

    Ha ha, Emjay. His spelling and grammar errors are quite tolerable as his observance of the state of affairs is quite accurate!

    Lise K: You are beginning to appear to have a very sound brain lodged in that cranium of yours! Kudos!

  11. Wow, you have made at least 5 grammar and spelling mistakes. Well done! LOL!!! Got here before Hennie did!!!! He he he!

  12. mandella is a peice of terrorist  s hit that flies would not even lay maggots in

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