
Is the internet making me dumb?

by  |  earlier

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I was reading through these questions and some of their answers were so incredibly stupid. I actually forgot whether the word "favorite" had an e on the end or not because someone spelled it "favorit"...




  1. It's make us all dumb. We should only get 2 hours of Internet a day before we fry our brains.  

  2. Sounds like the government schools.

  3. Internet? Well maybe your brain is getting fried...

  4. just coz u spelled the word favorite wonrg, it doesnt mean the internet is making u dumb. its just a silly mistake and u learn from it.

  5. The internet has no affect on my spelling or grandma.  You are such a looser who has nothing better to do then to assalt people on the internet.  You're question make me dumber for having to having to read it.

    yes i am kidding.

  6. no its just you making a mistake

    we are all a little out of it sometime and make stupid mistakes but its not the internets fault

  7. its not that hard to forget spelling haha

  8. no the internet doesnt make you stupid u probably wrote it wrong cuz you were in a hurry or your keyboard has small buttons it could be anything and how come the internet makes u stupid if nerds even use it more than us

  9. favorite  lol!

    don't worry the nets not making you dumb.. its monkey see monkey doo lol

    its alllllllllllllllll natural BRUDA

  10. I think it's just you're typing too fast or you're just making careless lazy mistakes not that internet is making you dumb.  

  11. <3 internete

  12. I don't know about you, but the internet has increased my intelligence a ten-fold.

  13. Nope, the internet has actually made me more intelligent.  You as an individual are at fault for what you take from the internet.  

  14. Hi Benji

                The thing is that, ppl got used to shortcuts with the chatting and so they are using favorit instead of favorite...

    neway that doesnt matter.. there is no need to get confused or dumbed with viewing these kind of information. Actually the spellings also vary according to the English language

    for example color is UK English and Colour is US English..

    So in the same way it varies from country to country and also as i said its only the shortcuts they are using to present their idea and now-a-days u can find many ppl in the same way who jst make use of such kind of chat lingos...

    So dont worry..

    u stick to your language... and if possible u try yo learn chat lingos...

  15. It is not you.  The material you have read is demonstrative evidence of a failed school system.  If it was only you the problem would not be so sad.    

  16. It's not making you dumb. It's just making you full of Sh*t !

  17. No it's not the internet. It's how the people spell. If you keep seeing the same word you take it as it is. If you see the word, like you said "Favorit" a lot you get mixed up with the actual spelling "Favorite"

    So mostly that's why I always always speak fluent english. And I cant believe i forgot how to speak slang. I don't even understand it as much as i did before.

  18. Not the Internet, it's the people on it. As for the answer...I'm going with yes.

    I can actually tell how long I've been online that day by looking at how well my grammar is doing; absolutely disgusting!

  19. LMAO!

    its not the internet.

    its alllll you o.~

  20. yes maybe the computer is making u dumb

  21. no u just r dumb

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