
Is the internet running out of space?

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My teacher said that its complicated and that it has something to do with 'Bandwidth' and so many websites with videos on it..i dont know he said that its complicated but is it true?




  1. No. He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.

    As people have mentioned, the Internet cannot run out of space. Internet Service Providers have a certain bandwidth that they give out before they drop a customer for "excessive bandwidth usage" and maybe he was talking about the school reaching that limit due to students browsing YouTube?

  2. No. The internet can never run out of space because it isn't located in a single location, rather millions of locations. That bandwidth thing doesn't make a lot of sense (don't worry about it).

  3. the internet will never run out of space because every time a website is created a server is set up. so in a way the internet is just expanding every day.


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  5. yes, it is very complicated,  but, you can think of it as supply and demand.  the websites ISP and you have so much band with (your upload and download speed).  once you max it out you can't push out or receive data any faster.

    so if you wanted to be able to upload or download more you can buy more band with.  its different for residential customers then for corporations.  (most people would not pay for or move for a DS3 to there doorstep)   but like for most Cable customers or DSL customers can buy a higher level of service ISP/Data centers can do the same thing.  then you get in to peering and other fun stuff like how your network design affects lantacy and etc... if you want to know more let me know.

    here are two quick links about it.

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