
Is the ipod touch just an ipod but way better?

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should i get an ipod or ipos touch? i would like to listen to music and watch some shows




  1. It's like the other iPods except it has a touch screen, obviously. Also one big plus is that it has wireless, so you can access the internet, youtube and iTunes all on your iPod.

    As an iPod Touch user I can say that it's much easier to navigate with the touch. No more endless circling. I know the click wheel on the other iPods is almost a trademark but it gets kinda annoying. The iPod touch also has something other iPods don't have : an on/off button.

    With the touch there is also the almost endless possibilities with the apps you can download. However, there has been some controversy with updates. Apple wants touch users to pay for their updates. Most people, myself included, think that its a bit ridiculous as no one else has to pay for their updates. Even iPhone users get the same updates 4 free.

    In the  end though I do love my iPod and I think anyone who buys one would be happy with it. I think you should go for it.

    If you decide against the touch I recommend going with one of the new iPods with video. Several of my friends have them and the seem good too.

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