
Is the is pigs eyebrows and pigs earlobes be in a sausage?

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  1. NO

    the pig is skinned and only the muscles are used for sausage..

    Ugly remarks like those are started by Ignorant bigots..

    but the parts are not wasted the skin is tanned into leather and the cartilage (ears and nose) rendered into gelatin..

    The meat industry does not waste any part of the animals

  2. i dont think i wanna know .... good thing i dont eat sausage! it looks disturbing!

  3. Wow, Mike L sure is a bigot! Why did he freak out with a simple, unique question, that may be disgusting, but I am curious as well.

    I think that they use as many parts of the animal as possible.

  4. Do pigs have eyebrows? I have never checked but yes, there is all kinds of c**p in sausages, especially the cheap ones.

  5. no

  6. You raise a valid point , I think eyebrows are put in gravy or sauces, earlobes are deep fried i believe, and eaten as an appetizer.  

    Sure why not it is a sin to waste right, truthfully i think they reserve those parts for potted canned meat I think the they put the oink in that can as well... LOL

    Of course not that stuff is attached to the hide !  there are limits to everything but that was an excellent question


    A bigot is a person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities

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