
Is the island Oahu nice?

by Guest33340  |  earlier

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I am going there for vacation for a week in a week and would like to know if it is nice here and if the beaches are turquoise?




  1. Oahu is a very nice place.  I hope you will get out of Waikiki for part of your vacation.  Many people complain about how Oahu is too crowded & touristy, but they never see anything outside of Waikiki.  That is a mistake.  As long as the sun is shining, the water will be a combination of the most beautiful blues & greens imaginable, including turquoise.  I was sitting at the Diamond Head lookout with a friend last weekend & the colors of the ocean just took my breath away - and I have lived here > 30 years.

  2. I lived on Hickam Air Force Base for about 3.5 years. Its a beautiful state to visit or take vacation in. One of my favorite places to go was and still would be if i still lived there was waimea rock and hanama bay. The waimea rock is a cliff diving kind of rock super fun and hanama bay is perfect for snorkeling or scuba and yes most of the oceans are turquoise but it depends on weather.70-90 degrees year round. I may have spelled the names of the places i identified wrongly but thats how they are pronounced.

  3. I personally L-O-V-E Oahu, as a matter of fact, Waikiki is one of my very favorite places,you will get those people that complain about it saying it is just a Tropical L.A...NOT TRUE. I am A Native Californian (born and raised) and have been back and forth to L.A. all of my life (that is where our family is from) but I was ALSO raised between the Mainland and Hawai'i as my mother was a Physician that Practiced in Hawai'i part of the year while i was growing up.  So if there is a similarity it is limited. I don't see it. But yes DO get out of Waikiki and do some exploring, head to Hanauma Bay and over to the North Shore,Haleiwa,Waimea,Sunset Beach,Pipeline many Beautiful Places to Discover on this Island and So many Truly do Take Your Breath Away~~Aloha~~Michelle~~

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