
Is the issue of global warming long standing or relatively new?

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  1. Al Gore invented global warming.......not to mention the Internet.

  2. Its been out for a while people should start considering to recycle and try to help the enviorment because if we dont lots of natural disasters will start and think about how kids now will suffer then.If parents really care about their children they'll start helping the cause.There are more important things than politics,and wars.Sure it's what people like but if we don't start acting up now then there won't be politics,or almost anything we enjoy now!  

  3. global warming, or better global climate change, has been an issue for some for a long time. some of the earliest articles written on global warming were published in 1895. at that time the article stated that we had to do something about global warming with in the next 30 years, or it would be irreversible. that has been proven false many times over the years, since global temperatures has risen and fallen since that time.

  4. Global warming is a misnomer. The correct term is global climate change.

    While the earth's climate changes naturally in hot and cold cycles, industrialization has caused acceleration of this process. The first scientists to give warnings of this occurred in the 1950's. At first this was considered a radical view. Now it is the consensus view of most reputable scientists

  5. the earth is what 6 billion years old, so thats how old GW is.

  6. The first person to link CO2 and global warming was Svante Arrhenius  in 1896, for a history see:

    You probably won't find any earlier reference, since chemistry was not very developed earlier than that.  Arrhenius thought the warming would be beneficial.

    Newsweek on April 28, 1975 published their famous impending ice age prediction, see:

    Although not global warming, it was the start of climate change alarm articles in the popular media.

    After global cooling in 1975 switched to global warming, folks had to change their end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it predictions to global warming in the 1990s.

    For the past ten years global temps have not risen, and have dropped in the past couple of years, so the switch is now back to "climate change" ...

    Senator Inhofe had a famous speech that gave a history of climate change reporting in the media:

    Supercomputers with serious horsepower to model climate were not available until the 1990s, so figure on that decade for climate predictions based on computer modeling.

    The emphasis on predicting weather via supercomputers is mostly because the US Air Force wants to know the weather in the next 36 hours to bomb our enemies.  They could really care less about climate change 200 years out.  In a manner of speaking, the US Air Force could single-handedly change global climate within a few hours (aka "nuclear winter").

    I don't know if any of the computer models takes into account that the Yellowstone super volcano is overdue to erupt, but if it did, we would chill rapidly because of the enormous amount of dust in the atmosphere.

  7. A few people came up with the theory over 100 years ago.    It never really garnered much of a following and never became a political issue until about 20 years ago.

    If you can dream up a theory, somewhere out there there's a paper on it.   Any X that could possibly be attributed to any Y, there's SOMEONE out there that's written an article, a paper, or drawn an equation on a napkin about it.  

    The fellow who initially came up with the idea probably didn't deliberately come up with it for the purposes of expanding government power and limiting growth of the private sector.

    Most of the activists who, in the last 20 years, have jumped on to the crusade surrounding the theory, did so for those purposes.

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