
Is the jet stream truly the cause of so many different natural phenomena, and what is your opinion on it.?

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recently they have been looking into tapping into the potential wind energy, good idea, yes/no?

I would say this question is aimed at those goegraphers :D but feel free to answer

btw the jet stream is a river of air travelling at speeds of up to 300mph roughly three miles up it travels full circle around the globe...




  1. wind energy is very expensive. Those windmills dont buy themselves you know =]

    and you need ALOT to power a city.

    heres some stuff to think about:

    ok, just because Im a conservative doesnt mean I trash the environment on purpose or litter. And not everyone can run out and buy a prius.

    liberals think they have the answer to everything.

    like DDT. 350 million to 500 million people a year in Asia, Africa and South America die from malaria. More than 80 percent are in rural Africa. Just so you libs could save some birds. thats absolutely disgusting.

    and your stupid lightbulbs have mercury in them. So when you throw them away it poisons animals at the dump.

    just stay out of it! you make evrything worse.

    global warming isn't real!!!!

    Here are some facts:

    1) If you took every car off every road in the US the temperature would change less than a TENTH OF A DEGREE!

    2) People cause 3.5% of temperature change with .4% coming from cars.

    3) The polar bear population has gone from 5000 to 25000 in 10 years and for some reason, they are still being put on the threatened list! they can swim!

    4) 5 billion dollars a year is wated by the US government to research "climate change"

    5) no one has proved why the hole in the ozone layer appeared, so the theory that the extreme cold caused it is just as credible as the theory thet cfcs or whatever caused it.

    6) Al Gore shows his audience a slide of CO2 concentrations, and a slide of historical temperatures. But for very good reason he does not combine them in one overlaid slide: Historically, atmospheric CO2, as often as not, increases after warming. This is typical in the campaign of claiming “consensus” to avoid debate (consensus about what being left unspoken or distorted).

    7) American grocery stores are starting to introduce food rationing. Wal Mart is restricting the amount of rice customers can buy. In Mexico and Yemen, in Egypt and Indonesia, the poor are taking to the streets to protest massive rise in food prices as well as shortages. A short distance from our shores, the troubled nation of Haiti is in crisis again; Haitians, dependent on U.S. grain imports, have seen those dry up and have been reduced to eating cakes of dirt.

    8) one tank of ethanol wastes enough food to feed a starving person for a year!! one tank!

    9) ehtnaol produces more CO2 than regular gas

    10) the models the ipcc uses are fake. even when fed random "red noise" they still made hocky stick curved graphs!!!

    less than 20 years ago they were freaking out about the next ice age!!!!

    what more wil it take to convince you? why believe what politicians and liberal "scientists" say when you can just look at the science and prove it wrong!?

    global warming is a MYTH! It has been repeated soooo many times without many true conservatives stopping it, it has been accepted as fact.

  2. i don't want pinhead scientists with agendas fcking around with the jet stream.

    I am sure that NOTHING good will come of it.

  3. It`call Global Normal

  4. Actually, the jetstream is higher, it's found normally between 5 and 7 miles up.  It'd be cool if we could harness the energy, but I can't think of any modern day technology or even future technology that would be suitable on any meaningful scale.

    If by natural phenomena you mean weather, then yes, the jetstream is a major player.  Flowing from west to east, it can sometimes be seen twisting and turning across vast latitudes and has a lot to do with 'system movement', or changing weather.  It's useful when flying too, because if aircraft heading east can get into it, they'll use a lot less fuel while arriving at their destination on time.  You'll normally see westbound flights avoid it with a passion.  It's possible to slow a westbound plane down enough in the jetstream to make it appear to be moving backwards to an observer on the ground, though of course this is never done.  It would be nice if we could somehow make use of it's energy.

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