
Is the kids duty to support parents $$

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for a life




  1. no a kids duty is to be a kid a parent should be able to support them self

  2. h**l no !!

    dont have babies if you cant affored them and dont expect them to pay for you

  3. no!

  4. It is the duty of family members to support one another.

    When children are young, the parents should provide the basic needs and emotional support.  As parents age, the situation can shift and children may be called upon to assist their parents.

    If children receive love, appreciation, and respect from their parents as they are growing up, they will in turn have the desire to provide the same care for their parents' later years.  Children who are neglected during their youth will likely feel bitter toward their parents and may not feel they owe their parents anything.

  5. Yes, because they give you life and support you until you can stand on your own. One day when they get old and cannot work to support themselves no more, it is our turns to support them. However, it is your choice whether to do or not. If you ask me, I would definitely do because I love them, I would never leave my parents live like the poor and in miserable.

  6. i think you should help out your parents, because later on in life you might want something of them and they won't help you because you didn't help them when you were young!!!

  7. I guess it depend on the parents. My mom is amazeing she worked 2 jobs to maintain us. While still being a good parent so i find it my dutie to maintain her when shes old and am workin. In contrarie my friends parent are alcaholics who never done **** for her so she doesn't need 2

  8. I don't think it's a kid's ' Duty ' to support their parents. But if you are in a position to help and they need it.. I would think after all they have done for you, that you would naturally feel that you wanted to help them.  

  9. I have in fact supported my mother I will be supporting my father soon. but is it your duty? No.... It is however your choice. I choose to help my mother after she had an accident broke her arms (both). My father is now going though a divorce and lost everything. I will help him because I choose to. I would hope that I was a parent that my children would choose to help support.  However there is a line support for a while until they can support themselves again then you must stop or you will be enabling them. good luck.

  10. not their duty, but it's a nice family thought :)

  11. think of it this way, u raise him up and always treated it as you should be happy that you get to live a life that kids in africa dont get to live but when your old and he sends u off to sum c**p old ppl home and u ask him y he do that then he will simply say there are old ppl in africa who dont get to sti around and do nothing

  12. $200 each month is not supporting your parents my dear.  This may be helpful to them but you are not permanently obligated to do this.  We just discussed this.  

  13. It's something they should do even if they don't...They don't get it as duty coz they are free to do everythinh and not have duty at all...but i think that's the only way to get closer with parents...I don't get it like duty but i support my parents in everything....

  14. I'm still young and I'm still supported by them but I hope that one day I will be the one supporting them.

  15. No.  It is the parents duty to support he children.  Food, shelter, clothing, addressing any medical needs, and also emotional.  If money is tight, I see no problem in getting a job after school to help the family, as long as it does not affect the education of the child.  It would actually benefit the child as to learning the value of money, and setting priorities with it.

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