
Is the language Italian hard?

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So I wanted to take French in school, but with the AP classes that I have it would conflict so I had to choose either Spanish, Latin, or Italian. I'm totally SICK of Spanish from learning it all through grade school, and I heard Latin can get really hard. So I picked Italian and was wondering how hard is it? I heard it was almost a mixture between Spanish and French.




  1. LOL, the grammar is EASY? I wonder where you studied Italian and WHAT you studied.

    Italian grammar is HARD like the French one...  

    The letters are not always pronounced like they're written... In fact I want to know how you pronounce "gl", "sc" etc...

    This was or the guy who said Italian is dead easy.


    If you know Spanish, you're advantaged.

    And I'm sick of hearing that it is a MIXTURE. It is a NEOLATIN language LIKE French and Spanish (and Portuguese, Romanian, Ladino (not Latin...) It doesn't mean it's INFERIOR.

    Who says those things doesn't know the language...

  2. First of all, Italian is not a mixture of Spanish and French, but all three have the same basis for their language structures.  Indeed, all three are called Romance Languages, and are based on LATIN!  The structure of each is very similar, and there are 2 other Romance languages as well, Portuguese and Romanian, which comprise the entire group.

    If you have taken Spanish, and are tired of it, then Italian will be very much the same.  However, since you have had some Latin (while you were learning Spanish), you would not be completely in the dark.  

    If I were your counselor, I would advise you to continue with your Spanish, and do not bother to try and pick up a new language while you are deeply involved in a heavy schedule.  You have had enough Spanish that you will now need to learn more about the grammar, structure, etc., which will enhance your understanding of the language.

    I think you might just be tired of the rote method that you were taught.  I could be wrong, but I believe that Spanish in grade school never approaches the level of high school Spanish, and so you will be challenged.  I would not start a new language.  I am fluent in Latin, Spanish, Italian and French, as well as 4 other languages, but I did not

    exclude on to learn another, I actually learned them a little at a time, and it took years.  But it is the greatest asset I have.  

    Good luck with this!

  3. italian is more similar to spanish, but the grammar is more difficult (as the french grammar).. however is simplier than latin!!

  4. Italian is not a mixture of anything; it's simply "Italian".

    you can think of Italian as "easy Latin", but even then that's not quite exact.

    if you already know Spanish you'll find many similarities to Italian, so it should come easy to you. i like Italian because the pronunciation is much more regular, and people speak it more clearly than in the other Romance languages.

  5. You were able to learn American English, the hardest language on Earth to learn.

    It borrows so much from so many different languages, and the words they borrow follow the rules of their language of origin and not the rules of English, that American has become the most haphazard language on Earth.

    And Spanish, French, Portugese, Italian, and Romanian are all based on the same language of Latin.  They are all variations of the same language, after Latin was massacred by the various Germanic tribes that learned the words but not the rules of Latin.

    If you did well in Spanish, you should be able to do quite well with either French or Italian, or even Latin.  But no one really uses Latin anymore besides the Catholic Church; so unless you plan on becoming a priest you shouldn't need Latin.

    You'd be better off learning a language that can help you communicate with someone still living, like French or Italian or Spanish.

  6. not really

  7. It is very similar to spanish, so you probably would be good at it.

  8. Your assumption about Italian is pretty much correct.  It shares a bunch of stuff with both French and Spanish, so having learned some Spanish might actually make it easier ((as long as you don't end up confusing Italian and Spanish words).  

    Italian isn't that difficult.  I would say its on the same level as Spanish or French, especially because of their similarities.

    On the other hand, Latin really isn't *that* difficult.  It is still a dead language though, so no-one actually speaks it, and it will be almost useless later in life.

  9. h**l NO! the italian language is one of the easiest languages I've ever learned! For starter , unlike English, the letters are always pronunced the same way. The grammar is easy , the verbs are easy to memorize ( they are similar to English and even irregular verbs follow a certain pattern) If anything, the Italian language is fun to learn!

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