
Is the latest generation taking everything for granted?

by Guest57953  |  earlier

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Is the latest generation taking everything for granted?




  1. Yes!!

    I was thinking the exact same thing today riding home in the car, my car's getting oil changed, but the point is I am a junior in high school and I'm not very old to some people - but I have enough knowledge to realize how ridiculous this problem is becoming.

    You have no idea! I have a 4 year old nephew who cannot ride home in my mom's Ford Expedition without watching a "Power Rangers" movie.

    He goes to private school, he has to have a tray of snacks when he gets in the car, wants to go to McDonalds and get an ice cream, every toy/game/movie/book ever invented - he has it. It's ridiculous. Kids these days including him are missing the message of growing up.

    Instead of learning from their mistakes and dealing with the real world they are being filled with lies and toys to reward them instead of giving them a lesson to learn. Which in my opinion, is the best reward you could get.

    All I'm saying is - What ever happened to sitting down together eating at 7:00 instead of eating right after you get out of school with a TV in front of your face as you ride home? I mean when I was a little kid, I had to wait outside in the hot sun to get picked up, I had to do my homework, then wait and wait and maybe get a snack in between (but snacks these days are like meals, so my case is different) and then wait until I give up on waiting to eat and finally dinner is served.

    When you're a kid it's all about learning, living, and growing up, and as far as I know he hasn't done a bit of it. If he drops a crumb on his shirt - he get's a new one. If I had a stain from falling in a puddle I'd probably end up having to wear it until I took my bath and changed in to my PJ's.

    All I can say is I'm disgusted....and I  cannot stand this little boy. He cusses, he fights, he bribes people into things he doesn't even know what they are. All I know is that he and many other kids these days I know are spoiled and take everything for granted; throw a fit in a matter of seconds. It's so ridiculous and I can't stand it anymore.

    Sorry so long, but I was thinking about this today and it really made me think!

  2. I am not the latest generation, but I am 16. While many people think that my generation takes things for granted, I think that every generation has a group of people that take things for granted. I work hard, and some people call me an over achiever. I have straight A's, am a cheerleader,  in the astronomy club, psychology club,  am fluent in French, Italian, and Spanish. I work hard for the things that I have. I have school from 8-3, then I have a job from 3:30-8. I work very hard for the things that I have. Therefore, I personally don't think I take things for granted. However, this is not the case with many (in fact most) people that I know. My friends' parents are constantly handing them money, iPhones, new clothes, etc, without having them work for it. I think that down the road, that will be very destructive for their lives. I can only worry about myself, and hope for the best for my generation. One day, we will be the adults that are in charge, and I just hope we're good, responsible, and intelligent adults.

  3. The latest generation is generation Z and the oldest of that generation are seven years I'd say let's wait and see.

  4. All generations take everything before them for granted. Some individuals try not to, but even they can't fully appreciate what it took to get to the point they find themselves at.

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