
Is the lib enabling media locked into a death spiral of their own creation?

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  1.   I wouldn't label it as singularly LIBERAL.  Since 80% of the newspapers, radio stations and wire services are owned by a VERY small percentage, I imagine reporters MUST tow the "line" they are given, or else.

      I seriously doubt the news media in general will ever recover from this period in our history, of such blatant and biased reporting.  It's not just WHAT they say, it's also what they DON'T say and should to keep Americans informed.  Journalism has taken a serious hit as far as credibility and honesty.  

  2. Go ahead complain about the media so it backfires on you. No is the answer

  3. Lol, yes I definitely think so.  

    I think when Palin was announced, there was a collective "oh S**t" heard round the room.  

  4. Yes and it is funny as h**l. You think they would of learned last time when they forged documents in 2004.

  5. Manly wealthy republicans as well control (own ) the media . But I Would expect some one who watches the totally bias Fox news to say and ask such a question. Placing blame is what Repubs do . Evey one else is wrong according to Repubs . It is all Libs fault Right?. For a political party that stress's personal responsibility -Republicans are 180 from this and seem to love casting stones.

  6. yes, obviously  

  7. You have to look at who owns the media and realize that the people they choose o report are those who would further the network owners agenda. Yes the reporters are spiraling to their own and our demise. Lets see how they do when the media is a government job and they can't get one? Do media reporters know how to actually work? Ha!

    They are so overpaid they will not know what to do once this is a Marxist Obama nation

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