
Is the lineup of hurricanes God's way of saying Do Not Drill Here and Now?

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Off Florida and in the gulf?

There are three more named storms in line.




  1.'s hurricane season.

  2. Wow!  Did you ever try really thinking this out.  If God was not in favor of drilling why would it ever happen in the first place?  How would the automobile be allowed to happen?  The only oil mentioned in the Bible is lamp oil.

  3. no.. what kind of a nut are you??? are all adverse weather conditions gods way of saying no.. d**n give me a break

  4. no!

    no no no

    where did you get that idiotic idea!

    Dont you realize its a storm, been here when Jesus supposedly came to earth,  they have been here when he supposedly blasted off into heaven and they will be here while Christians wait for him to come back like a rock star in the clouds!

  5. Its a storm. We've had them before, we'll have them again, its not a sign of the Apocalypse.

    Besides, I've been keeping God busy... I've been asking for the Patriots to win the Superbowl. He doens't have time for storms, it's football season!

  6. I'm for Obama but I'm also for sensible drilling.

    Those platforms are safe and you needn't fear drilling.

    The Obama argument is I think too little to late.

    Then again there is the Bush argument don't you wish you had drilled 8 years ago?

    I like that picken's guys plan myself.

    I think God would say use the brains I gave you.


  7. God sure did not endow you with anything in the mental area so was he mad at your mother and father for fornicating.

  8. No,has nothing to do with drilling,but God IS sending hurricaines our way because we are the great nation of satan,and God is unleashing His wrath,repent NOW!

  9. But God thinks is is ok to drill in the North Sea...I get it, it's only the evil Americans that can not drill.  I forgot

  10. Nope, but nice try.  God doesn't play favorites.  It's survival of the fittest here on earth.  That's why McCain wins in November.

  11. Perhaps it is God's way of showing us that modern drilling and offshore platform technology are safe, even against Cat 3+ hurricanes.

  12. Yes it says so in the bible. No drilling off Florida!!!!

  13. no.  

  14. oh shut up.  this has no point being in the elections or even politics section.

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