
Is the lort of the rings table top strategy game worth the time and money?

by Guest31859  |  earlier

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i started to get some warhammer 40k models a while back but i got bored with them. seeing as how i am a lotr fan and play the online game i dont know if il like them or if il just get bored with them in the end like warhammer.




  1. warhammer is probably better than the lord of the rings one so i say you will probably get bored of it

  2. LOTR is a fast and easy way to get into wargaming, with minimal model requirements, but it's not the type of game that sustains an active interest like Warhammer or 40K. I tended to feel like a complete nerd after a while - it really is more for the younger age group.

  3. It in all honesty depends on if thier are quality opponets in your area.  I've played table top games for a long time and never meet a LOTR player so for me it wouldn't be  worth it,  however if you 've got quality players in your area it will make all the difference.

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