
Is the low level of intelligence and odd features in the Royal Family due to in breeding?

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Is the low level of intelligence and odd features in the Royal Family due to in breeding?




  1. Yes I am afraid it is ... generations of it .. bog-eyed cousins marrying bog-eyed cousins ....its a case of INCEST .. A game for all the family ..   !!

  2. Yes, they come from a very small gene pool of German origin.

    The Queen and Prince Philip are cousins.

    Diana ,Princess of Wales was the first English person in history to be married to the Sovereign or the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom .

  3. The word "pedigree" ie not common or purebred, appeared in the English language in 1410. Royalty and the rest of the animal kingdom have found out(to their cost) that inbreeding IS NOT BEST we evolve because of diversity ie mother natures true plan any deviance from this plan reaps it own very defective reward because  Mother nature wreaks her own very effective revenge.

  4. Says the man who can't spell "inbreeding".

    They aren't stupid. They're a lot cleverer than you and they're staying, so get used to it.

  5. Could be, Prince Harry Hewitt will break the mould though...............

  6. BRAINSTO...........what about Ann Boleyn & Jane seymour, they were english......

    silly question too

  7. yes

  8. Yes, I assume so.

  9. Have you got Regal Blood too?

  10. most definitely

  11. They should all get the chop. Inbred parasites.

  12. I'm not so sure that they do have low intelligence.  After all, the royals are still at the head of the British food chain arn't they.

  13. The Queen and her husband are cousins, through Queen Victoria.  A little too far off to call it "inbreeding." Royals marry nobilty and other royals.  There all do share a common ancestor which seems to be now that most are related to Queen Victoria on some way or another. Being related to her though has caused some imperfections, namely hemophilia which has appeared every so often through history among Victorias descendants.

  14. Probably, and it's like the same set of circumstances with our friends the Bush family.

  15. No, not really.

    I see where you're coming from - but there's horse mixed in there somewhere. So, it's probably more a question of cross-species breeding.

  16. How would you feel if someone verbally attacked your family in this way?  Something to think about?

  17. They do not look odd but a lot of allegedly intelligent republicans look very odd indeed. Perhaps caused by indiscriminate breeding of low quality genes. The sort of remark you have made can cut both ways

  18. Most definately they look worse with every passing generation.

  19. You cant call the Royal family Stupid, The the Queen is head of state in 20 country's and they have have managed to avoid revolution unlike many other monarchy's.

  20. How can you say they have odd features?!  Have you seen Prince William?  Gorgeous!!

  21. yes I think it must be.  how on earth can we pick our head of state from such a family?  It makes no sense at all

  22. The queen is hardly thick. I think you need to perform some more research and not fall back on popular, media inspired, stereotypes.

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