
Is the mafia more centralized in northern or southern Italy?

by Guest66824  |  earlier

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Is the mafia more centralized in northern or southern Italy?




  1. Palermo is the city of  the mafia and then there are Sicily and all of Calabria, all of it in the south.

  2. Haha.  Good question!

  3. it was STARTED in new york! not in italy. i would know this my gandfather AND uncle are in it

  4. Definitely southern! Calabria, Sicily are the worst,

  5. Christina's wrong.

  6. Sicily, that's the nerve center of the Italian Mafia.  It's where it started, and where it's still thriving.

  7. southern italy in mid-19th century Sicily. but it emerged on the East Coast of the United States during the late 19th century following waves of Italian immigration to that country.

  8. Irishman in Italy here.

    The mafia are everywhere in Italy, including the Parliament. Indeed, it is not one homogeneous organisation as many believe it to be. Rather, it is many many groups divided all over the country. However, in general, in the north, they operate their businesses there so as to be near the Swiss banks. In the South, they control virtually everything.

  9. Southern Italy is more famous for its mafia image.  Anybody who's seen the Godfather probably pictures Sicily when they think of the mafia here.  But I wouldn't say that they were centralized there.  In Italy there are many powerful mafioso families and organizations in every city.  Especially in the richer norther cities.  They cover up who they are better there.  Some even hold political positions.  But they're still mafioso.

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