
Is the majority of our population extroverted?

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Is there a special classification for those who are in between being introverted and extroverted?




  1. As a Canadian, I have to say yes.  However, that's from our perspective.  We are a little more reserved in Canada and see Americans as being right in your face most of the time. I'm not stating that in a negative way, it's simply a culture difference.

  2. Yes,perverted!

  3. Yes, most of us in the US at least are extroverts.  Why else would the pop. in general act so threatened by someone who is called a 'loner'?  True loners are introverts, the psychos who violently lash out at society in general are socially maladjusted extroverts, rejected by people in general for one reason or another are NOT INTROVERTS, NOT LONERS.  They are lonely extroverts and angry about it, huge difference.  We introverts couldn't actually care less about being included and couldn't be bothered to shoot up a school or whatever.  Sorry, I digress.

    I really don't think that there is an in between of intro- and extro-.  Introverts like me get what social interaction we want then pull back when we're done.  I think the biggest difference is being able to entertain ourselves VS extroverts needing to be entertained by others.

  4. bfarl33, i think Americans are a bit "in your face" too.

    I also think they may be rather rude as well.

    But i don't think the majority of Australia would be extroverted.


  5. You are only one or the other.  Tests are given for this and you can be borderline of either but you can't be both.

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