
Is the marines or any branch worth it? i need help

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i am coming to a crossroad in my life in a year i will finish high school and i could pick one of two things the marines or go to collage to be a runner. Please iam looking for people who have served in the armed forces to answer. Is it worth it?




  1. Its what you make of it. But if nothing else it will give you a new appreciation of your country and or the civilian life that the military defends..

  2. Have the commitment and prepare to make sacrifices, even as a reservist. If you have any doubts, don't join.

  3. I was in the Navy. I think it was worth it. I can't tell you if you will like it or not. I can't say it was easy, or was fun all the time. I did however enjoy parts of it.

    I got to do a lot of travel and I got a great education out of it. So for me it was worth it. I even got a good job when I got out because of my training. (medical field)

    Choose your military career wisely and you will do fine. If the military is not for you go to school.

    Just be sure that joining is what you really want to do. Don't go because you think it is going to be cool or because you think you have to. Join because you know in your heart that you are willing to make that type of commitment. Remember that there is a war going on and you might have to go and take care of business. If that idea bothers you don't join.

    If you feel like serving your country that way and would be OK with the long hours, heavy work, and seperation from friends and family then go. Sombody has to do it. Just make sure you are willing before you go.

  4. If you have a scholarship already take as much schooling as you can get if you truly want to serve you country do some ROTC while your in college it will at least give you a taste of military life like a free sample at COSTCO. I joined the Army becouse I always wanted to be a soldier and serve my country plus I grew up very poor and did not have very many options, I loved being in the service but i noticed that recruits just out of high school were severly shell shocked the service takes alot of heart and maturity I joined at 24 and my life exsperince and maturity ( according to my sgt) saved my @$$ alot becouse i was able to draw on my exsperinces and hands on knowledge, and stay cool headed while the younger soldiers where having panic attacks.

    its all about perspective the service can be your best friend or your worst enemy it all depends on YOU! take a step back take a deep breath relax , have fun you are only young once and the more education you get if you do eventully join up will only help you in spades  with promotion , postings , leadership, etc. HAVE FUN , GET DRUNK, GET LAID , HIKE EUROPE , HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  5. I'm not a Marine...yet. But i suggest that you should go Marine Corps you don't necessarily have to go active duty you can go reserves and still go to college. That way you can do both.

  6. It's not the end of the world. You're pushing yourself like you have to make a decision. If you're are working off a scholarship to college and wondering then it's different but college is going to be there and our military is going to be there. You're still young, research, take your time, and make the right decision for you and what you want to do. No one on a website can tell you what's best for YOU.

    Don't listen to the girl above. She acts like the Navy is hard. It's what's best for YOU and YOU only like I said. You will get an education regardless.

  7. The military is what you make of it..and being a Marine is never a bad thing..

    You can read here about what it takes and means to be a Marine..

  8. Well the thing of it is...people are going to get really mad when they read this...but they know its true.

    The people who get the most out of the armed forces are the people who REALLY genuinely want to serve their country-bar none.

    The thing of it now is that you're going to find alot of people who weren't "academically inclined" in high school, joining the armed forces.   There are a lot of high schoolers who will use the armed forces as a safety-net and not work hard in high school.  They know the armed forces have very minimal expectations and requirements.  Out of all of the branches, the Air Force has the highest standards, and even their standards are sub-par in comparison to a lot of public university.  The armed forces will also try to lure you into thinking that they will give you the "education" you need to perform in the real world.  The fact of the matter is that... their education is... comparable to a technical school-not a regular university.  So if you wanted to get a decent job coming out of the air-force, you would have to go back to school anyway.  

    Again - the armed forces is for those whose who REALLY want to serve their country.  Otherwise, if you don't have that deep love for your country, you should just work hard during school and go to college.

  9. if u even have to ask this question stay out of the marines u would not work out.(.former marine)

  10. What are your reasons for wanting to join? You could go to college first and then join up if you feel the desire to do so. This is what I am doing. College is a great foundation for me, but I will get real experience in the Air Force.  

  11. Yes, I will have to agree with most people who have allready posted.  All I can add is that if you do it right, the Military will educate you and you will have a great skill.  The other thing about the Military is if you go to college while you are in you can do it for almost nothing, when I was in they paid %75 of your tuition then you had to purchase your books.  I was able to get a 2 year Associates degree for almost nothing while in the Military.  However, you must understand that going this route has some draw backs, you may be sent to war, you may not have time for school based on how demanding your job is ect.

    College is also a great deal.  You dont have to worry at all about War, or if you are lucky a job either.  Just remember College is EXPENSIVE, so you must take it seriously as well otherwise you will end up spending all kinds of money on classes and not end up with a degree.  

    So think it over, talk with your parents, school counselor, and friends.  Research it, Check out all of the branches you can find websites on all branches of the service.  Time is definetly on your side, you are still young, dont rush either decision.

    Good Luck!!

    Update:  I forgot to mention that later on as a "civilian" I went back to college and got a Bachelors Degree in Biology.  So I have done both, and no matter the decision you decide to make neither should be taken lightly or rushed.

  12. go to college

    I was active duty Navy and reserves Navy and National Guard please do for you first an education. until the military requires you ie draft do not go. your life is precious attend to it before the nations needs

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