
Is the math part on the Basic Skills Exam for teachers really hard?

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I am bracing myself to take the Basic Skills Exam.I need the exam to take my upper level courses in early childhood education and to teach.

I know that math is one of the areas on the exam.

Some people are saying college algebra is on the exam and others are saying its Intermediate algebra. So do I have to know Intermediate algebra or college algebra or both? What area of math will I need to know for basic skills exam?




  1. Which exam areyou taking. I took the Praxis II and the state test for Arizona. On both tests, the math was intermediate algerbra. Math is not my strong suit but I passed both tests.

    Don't worry, you'll do fine!

  2. hi!

    no need to be so much sad!

    you should read mostly intermidiate algebra because college algebrs is based on it .

    the reallity is that collage algebric formulaes are based on simple high school algebra of 10th and 11th class.

    i must advice you that n.c.e.r.t books of mathematics can be easily read and understood ! the omly need is to be cool ,tensionfree, and enthusiastic.

    i want to give one example of diffrence between the two of branches of algebra-

    1. high school algebra-x+y

    2. coolage algebra-l=x+y+z

    so, thank you.

    have a good day and also a good choice!!!!!!




  3. Don't panic!  I too was very worried about the basic skills test.  A friend of mine had to take the math portion 3 times!  (Which is good news too, because if you pass one of the portions but not another, you can still retake just that one section!)

    If I remember correctly, they list the formulas needed in the math section.  I actually was most worried about math, but got the highest score on it!  The reading section was a cake walk, as was the writing section.  In my state, they cycle through different versions of the test, so the questions aren't the same each time.  The math truly was not as scary as my friend made it out to be (and I'm not a great math student!) but I was quite reassured that I'd be able to take it as many times as I needed.

    Good luck!

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