
Is the meat in mc donalds, wendys, and/or burger king slaughtered?

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when i say slaughtered i mean some guy killed the animal with their own hands and like cut it through the neck

i need to know for rilligion reasons




  1. its not meat...who knows what they use as their meat now...    = x

  2. The cattle are stunned,Strung up by their back legs ,Then the throat is cut with a machine,Which drains the blood out,Don't worry they do not feel a thing.Usually.

  3. All meat that we eat has been slaughtered.  Animals are not killed by someones bare hands. Who ever told you, is just flapping his/her lips, and not a very reliable source. Years and years ago animals were shot or a bow and arrow was used.  In todays day and age, beef cows are raised on a good, clean farm, they are fed good food. That is the purpose of the beef cow, for our eats.  When they get a certain age, and weight, they are taken to a slaughter house, and they are, supposedly taken out in a humane sort of way. I'm not going to get into that. At any rate, the meat that we eat today is inspected by a meat inspector and packaged under good, clean conditions and sent to many, many stores or restaurants for the consumers consumption.

  4. they all do it!!! its not once person its like a big factory kina thing

  5. No the meat is not from slaughtered cows. Fast food joints genrally do not have kosher or hallal meats.

    Kosher and hallal practices slaughter the animal by draining the blood. Similar customs originating in teh middle east.. just kosher is jewish and hallal is muslim.

    By the way, hallal also applies to chicken, so the chicken sandwiches are not hallal either.

    I don't know about kosher (any jews want expand on this?) but for muslims who eat hallal, the best sandwich is the fish from restaurants.

    Some restaurants do carry kosher or hallal meats. They usually advertise this on the menu or on their window.

    Bon appetite!

  6. no, they're euthanised

  7. no they use machines

    i would say not to eat them

    they stun them first

    some escape

    then they are drowned


    and much much more

  8. It's not kosher if that's what your asking.

    Mac Donald's is killed and shipped across the world from mainly Argentina -  bolt gun, (retained bolt in a single shot pistol), or electric shock to the brain.

    Chainsaw is the quickest way of rendering the carcass and the clean meat never gets as far as a burger. What you're buying is finely minced and tenderised scraps that would end up as sausage meat.

  9. Do you mean, "Is it Kosher?" No.

    Nor do their cows die of old age.

    Oh, "r-e-l-i-g-i-o-n" is the proper spelling.

    Slaughterhouses use a gun that fires a bolt into the skull. Kills them instantly. Only THEN are they drained of blood.

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