
Is the media corrupt?

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Is there any news source you can rely on to speak the truth and only that?




  1. I don't know why people are always impugning Fox news, they report just like everyone else; they seem to be the National Enquirer of news media a title that is, IMO, grossly unfair. I notice that as with the NE< most peole watch Fox news so there is a bit of hypocrisy there. But for absolute veracity I vote for CNN.

  2. FOX NEWS!!!!!!  I honestly find them fair and balanced.  Give em a try.

  3. Absolutely not!  Any news channel will only distort the truth to make things more juicy!  They may tell partial truths but will mix in lies to make it sound better!  Remember!  These channels are motivated by a bottom line too!  Its all about the money....

  4. I have a B.A. in journalism and worked in newspapering for many years before becoming a social worker (it pays much more!). By and large, the overwhelming majority of reporters and editors are ethical, honest, middle-class Americans. Just plain folks like you and me.

    If anything is corrupt, it is the corporate structure in which large corporations buy up more and more small media outlets. The result is fewer independent voices.

    The Washington Times? Faux (aka Fox) News? Both owned by questionable owners. The Times is owned by loony Korean religious leader Rev. Moon, Faux News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who made his fortune in Australian and English "tabloids," which have notoriously low standards for what is and what is not the truth, and now is applying those standards to bastions of honesty (sarcasm) like the New York Post. He just bought the Wall Street Journal, which has lost a lot of credibility just by virtue of his ownership status.

    If it's reported by the Associated Press, I'd say it's pretty honest. They, of all large news-gathering organizations, have maintained the highest standards in journalism. But corporate journalism, be it Rolling Stone or Fox News, is first and foremost about making a profit. I think the last bastion of honesty and integrity are the hundreds of small-town "mom and pop" run newspapers in small towns and cities. Folks there know what's going on. As Mark Twain said, "In small towns people don't read the newspaper to see what's going on, they read the newspaper to see who got caught."

  5. yeah I totally agree with you. but I do like Shep Smith. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what the ppl in Orleans would have done. So yeah I like Fox News! I can't stand it when ppl sit there on my TV yelling at each other! how stupid is that! gosh go somewhere else if you want a debate among yourself!

  6. FOX NEWS Is the BEST NEWS TRUTH!   Tonight Hannity America will air a show having a segment on THE REAL OBAMA.

  7. Fox news. They are republicans and love George W. Bush

  8. The media obfuscates. It uses half truths mixed

    with lies, it is the worst kind of entity.

    They make you think their delicious with the stuff that they say, have you guessed me yet? I'm the slime

    ooozing out from your TV set!!

    You will obey me while I  lead you and eat the garbage that i feed you, don't go for help, no one

    will heed you;your mind has been totally controlled

    it has been stuffed into my mold and you will do what you are told until the rights to you are sold.....

                                          The Slime. 1974

                                 Frank Zappa had their fu--ing

    number way back!!!
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