
Is the media fair??????????

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i watched the Teen Choice awards last night and i was soooo mad cause the M&M crew which is Miley Cyrus's and Mandy's crew won against the ACDC crew which had Adam G. Sevani,Chris Brown, and the Jabbowockeez. How in the world did her crew win. She can't even dance and the other had people who are very passionate about dancing.

She also won the award for favorite female artist. I couldn't believe she won over Mariah Carey. The other nomoniess have been singing before Miley's career and i didn't think it was fair. She is not that amazing of a singer or dancer so I think because she was the host the media made her look good which is not fair to the others to me.




  1. I completely agree.

    Miley only won everything because she has crazy obsessive fans and little girls who have nothing better to do than to s***w up the voting by voting a million times for her. :P

    And I agree that she can't dance - she looks like she is spazzing out and going crazy. It's SCARY when she dances - basically, SHE CAN'T. lol And I also agree that Miley can't sing. Her voice is very low and awkward sounding when she speaks, and her voice in her music is so computerized that it could probably be anyone else anyway.

    And to answer your question:

    The media is never fair.

    It is always biased.

  2. The Teen Choice Awards aren't about merits. They simply reflect who is the most popular among voters who are aged 13-19. In such a contest, it is not surprising that Mariah Carey wouldn't win. At age 38, she is old enough to be the mother of those allowed to vote.

  3. you're not asking the right question...the question should be are the judges fair?  

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