
Is the media inlove with Obama?

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Is it unfair to McCain?




  1. think McRambo =  Bushbirdbrain

    US need someone with brain not a Rambo.

  2. Huh? Obama is a phenomena, he's young and popular and a gifted speaker. McCain is old and boring. It's nothing more than that, and frankly it's tiresome the way some neocons (I won't call them Republicans or conservatives since the Republican party betrayed its principles decades ago) see leftist conspiracies in everything. If it's any consolation, all the press is likely hurting Obama more than helping him.

  3. they're BLOWING Obama.  they need to get his s*****g outta their mouths and worry about doing NEWS

  4. I personally think McCain is exactly like Bush, just older and tweaked slightly different. They're definitely branches of the same tree though. An obvious reason for being hammered, as only 27% of Americans still support Bush.

    And when you get right down to it, McCain is really, as they say, a politician. Obama is more of a down to earth, normal person, that doesn't complicate things.

    When asked "What does it mean to be patriotic?", these were their answers:

    Now, who can you relate to more? McCain spews nothing but political BS, while Obama just puts it simple, and to the point. Even a child can get it. And that's really what we need, and the reason he is favored.

  5. mmm life is unfair.

  6. Stop your whining!

    McCain said Americans are whining about the economy and we have a "mental recession" but it seems to me the one who is doing all the crying is McCain.

  7. Yes


  8. in love? that's doesn't begin to say it, he's got most of the press deep inside his black pockets. i can't believe that what i previously believed were fairly intelligent people are falling for this guys rhetoric of saying whatever he thinks people want to hear. one day it's this, then the next day it's that. the real obama is starting to show, watch out...he's a very dangerous individual not only for the usa but for the world.

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