
Is the media liberal or conservative?

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I never get this. Conspiracy loving cons think the media is run by liberal left wing nuts because they hear about acceptance of g**s on TV. Conspiracy loving libs think the media is run by conservative right wing corporations who were hush hush while the Bush administration used lies to justify the Iraq War.

One minute cons will brag about how Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck dominates the ratings, next minute they say the liberal media is a joke. I don't hear libs brag about their talk shows (because they don't have any significant ones?), so maybe the media is more conservative?




  1. Liberal.

    It's entirely biased for the left.

    You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out. Pay attention and try to find how many times you hear something truly hateful and judgemental said or written about Obama. Trust me, you aren't going to find much.

  2. Overall its very liberal.....but they're also niches that are right dominated (such as Talk Radio) of course they are out weighed by the left of center news papers, Hollywood, News Networks and News shows.....but you cant blame them because usually the mediums that engage in entertainment, scholarly discussions, progressive political debates or journalism tend to be liberal because those are liberal subjects....conservatives tend to shy away from entertainment (for religious reasons), scholarly discussions (for religious reasons), progressive political debates (for religious reasons) or journalism (for a lack of eloquence), they are more traditional and their role dominates other aspects of our lifes.....I dont understand how they can think that the media could some how become conservative as well as the churches they go to and people they associate with.....Liberals dont complain that the Churches we go to are too conservative the way Liberals whine about the media

  3. did you hear them boo the media at the convention tonight during palin's speech...

    the media is the "big bad guy" that they can all hate together to bring them together...

    Bush never made a mistake... it was all liberal media...

  4. depends on which channel you watch.  FOX is conservative and MSNBC is liberal

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