
Is the media portraying Obama as an "uppity" black?

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It seems if a white man shows the confidence to run for the highest office in the land, he is portrayed as a high achiever.

When a black man shows the same confidence, he is portrayed as if he doesn't know his place




  1.      no.......

      he is sinking his own ship.....

  2. The media is being led around like a dog.

    the republicans make and accusation. and the media debates that accusation for a week like "is Obama playing the race card?"

    and in the end McCain ends up with 1 week of negative advertising in the media against Obama- Its smart but dirty

  3. I'm neither Black or Caucasion,and do not believe I'm racist.  That being siad, I think the media at times are biased on both sides of the fence.  I can say McCann is not a spokesperson , and I think any gestures he makes with his arms, is awkard because of being wounded  as POW,

    I see that Obama is a fantastic orator and smooth as silk.  Since his last trip he has becom arrogant. Whenever he changes his mind he has a incredible way in maniipulating words.  It's highly worrisome for me that is associations are such scalawags. Obama is a wealthy and quite possibly his comments about bible toting . . . Americans.    

  4. The media is completely in the tank for Obama. He's not being portrayed as 'uppity', he's being portrayed as the Messiah.

    If people took an objective view of the man, they'd realize that he's good-looking, speaks well, and does a good job of reading the speeches his handlers put in front of him. He's got 143 day experience in the Senate. Other than that he's got nothing.

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