
Is the media today become too powerful and influential?

by Guest45101  |  earlier

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Is the media today become too powerful and influential?




  1. The media conglomerates are too powerful and too influential - in a very wrong sense. Having been involved in the start-up of USA TODAY, I can testify that media has lost its focus.

    Newspapers, in particular, were originally the Fourth Estate - the 'watchdogs' of America, constantly holding government's feet to the fire and protecting citizens' civil and political liberties.

    Nowadays, media looks out for itself and its profit margins. It has forsaken its role as protector of the democracy, and - in fact - is far too cozy with government. It dutifully 'reports' whatever the government wants reported (and how it wants it reported) instead of digging at the truth like an irritating gnat.

    TV outlets like Fox "News" is not news at all: it's simply a propaganda machine for the Republican party. Blabbermouths like Rush Limbaugh do nothing but spread hatred, bias, lies, bigotry and prejudice....and, sadly, millions of Americans allow themselves to be spoon-fed such political Pabulum instead of forming their own conclusions. Thus, we've become a dumbed-down society unwilling or unable to make intelligent political decisions because we aren't privy to opposing viewpoints and perspectives.

    The Fourth Estate has failed at its most important mission. "News" has become secondary because it is less profitable than "entertainment"....and so Americans suffer from a lack of reliable, objective information on which to base their political decisions.

    Thomas Jefferson once said: "When people fear the government, it is tyranny. When government fears the people, it is liberty".

    FDR said: "The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to the point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any controlling private power".

    Adolph Hitler (one of history's foremost propagandists) said: "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think".         -RKO-   08/03/08

  2. Yes they have. If they cover a criminal trial, they decide if the person is guilty and run with it- fouling up the jury pool. They make it impossible for anyone to make up their own mind on any subject that the media covers. They need to bring up both sides of a subject and they used to do that. Now, they are just too big for their own good. Most Americans do not go and look at the entire matter as they believe that the media won't lie,but they do by not giving both sides. I could go on but my answer is yes they have become to powerful and influential. Once I get on a subject like this, I will not stop so I hope that I have given you something to think about and work with. Peace out and have a good day!

    After coming back to see what others have written, I think that -RKO- has the best response here. He went into what I wanted to get into but I thought that it may be too long for the answer board. I, also think , that Steve C made a good point as well. I only came back to voice my opinion and not to change yours-whatever it may be. Kudos to -RKO- and Steve C!

  3. I don't think so, I mean the media is always going to be powerful and influential and it has been for some time, but I like to think of it as providing a voice for the wider community.

    I disagree about what was said about people believing everything the media tells them, actually I find that quite insulting to peoples intelligence. If anyone did believe EVERYTHING the media told them they would end up very confused.

  4. Everyone on the internet is part of the media these days.

    But the media in general seems to be preoccupied with celebraty culture and trivialities instead of focusing on more important issues.  The biggest threat these days comes from religion.  From those in power who put their faith above scientific fact and as a result make decisions which are just plain wrong.

  5. yes but CNN is mostly wrong on most of the stuff and only report what they want not the truth fox is good but still news is too power.

  6. Yes. Even tho most peeps are somewhat aware of that, most have NO CLUE how bad it really is.

    For an explanation watch this film about how media and government have merged as result of the centralization of media ownership.

    Some peeps call the media a weapon of mass distraction. That is true. What is equally true and more important is that it has become a weapon of class warfare. If the peeps dont tune into that fact soon, we are going here.

    Corporate control over govt and media is a form of fascism which is why I linked that 2nd clip.

  7. I don't think they become to powerful... but influential YES!!!!

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