
Is the media today doing all the thinking for us?

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  1. That depends on you

  2. The trick is to not believe everything you read...

  3. The problem is that many people don't really have an opinion, they just agree with or parrot someone Else's.

    If the issue isn't about them, they just never take the time to get the facts or understand the issue, it's just too much 'work' for them.

  4. If it does so,it may mean that we are already

    thinking creatures !which is good

    I think it takes this gift away,

    as people now,They just talk ,putting words

    on our lips,saying what they want

    making decisions due to that

    acting in our names,,

    we bear the results

    try to see all world main actions,try to find

    any kind of people willness,

  5. Yes. In many ways most people are herd-type animals. There are some, such as myself, who ignore the media though.

  6. depends on how much time you spend thinking on the things you've just read in the newspapers or watched on tv...etc.

    all media reports are highly opinionated, and only few a solid facts. everything is reported from one point of view, and believe it or not, the countries governments provide certain agendas to be reported, to make the people think in a positive way about the government or support them. yes, that includes all the countries like the US and UK and everything.

    sometimes i think i'd rather read news about Britney Spear's new hair-cut than world politics, its less depressing

    and has more factual content in it than say, the causes of war in Africa...

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