
Is the media trying to make a bad thing look good with the vp pick?

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they all seem pleased but,you can see the concern in all of thier eyes.even CNN's people seem quite dissapointed.




  1. The media is there to make news, and sell news.

    Bottom line is they go with the flow and most journalist do what they are told, to follow the leads and report back often.

    Nor both B. Hussein Obama  or J. Bidden would help to strengthen our nation and ensure security.

    the democrats are out of touch with reality, they have controlled the Senate and Congress for 3 years with few good bills to pass, little track record to show for it. (3 years)

    They speak of alternative energy BUT reality is it will take at least about 10 years before even 1/3 of our country is using it, do we really have that much time?

    A McCain/Romney combination would be a good ticket and the best hope for a brighter America that we currently have.

    M. Romney was former governor of MA where he worked for the people of this blue democratic state for free, he declined his $130,000 pay to correct the debt ridden state after heavy democratic spending, started the universal health care that is now going nation wide and corrected the Olympic scandal. On top of that he is a business man with first hand experience on economics and turn arounds.

    Obama can speak a good talk game, but he would get very little if nothing at all done as President since he has a small proven track record and NO experience in bipartisanship.

    Can we really afford to take the chance and waste 4 years?  

  2. Actually I think some of the media (Fox) are trying to make a good thing look bad.

  3. Biden, on a post-debate appearance on MSNBC, October 30, 2007: “The only guy on the other side who’s qualified is John McCain.”  

  4. Biden has a lot of baggage, a lot of really bad sound-bytes on file, and just isn't very exciting in general.  He was really a poor choice.

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