
Is the media twisted for obama or what? "obama waves!"?

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Is the media twisted or what?

I just goto and heres a picture of obama waving. The headline says, "obama waves at a rally stop monday"

I click the link and the story was about 3 sentences long and basically said, "Obama at a stop for a rally waved at the audience!"

It didnt say what the rally was, didnt say what he talked about, didnt say anything about any issues. just said Obama waves at audience!

Like he is a god and we should feel privileged that he did! ]

is the media twisted or what?




  1. Yes the media has always been one sided.  Pretty funny when they are suppose to be bias.  

  2. You dont get it do you.?

    The Republicans are proving that the policies they support dontt even work for themselves..

    LOL Hello!!!!!

  3. He was healing the sick.

    His very presence is enough to raise the dead.

    I thought everyone knew that.

    All those who were graced by his wave to them now have an exalted feeling of well being.

    <I just threw up a little in my mouth>

  4. Talk about whiny liberals, here's a picture for them.  This is MY view of Obama:

    Can't believe Yahoo Answers actually let you post.  They haven't been posting my conservative comments, so I have to answer to get anything on here.  

  5. How can a conservative with a handle like yours stoop to whining about the so called "liberal" media?  Isn't that the pot accusing the kettle?

    The bias in the press is so procorporate that the fundamental philosophies remain unchallenged no matter how extreme they are.  Far from a liberal bias.  Given the unashamed propaganda broadcasts put out by FOX, American conservatives have no right to complain.

    My father was a journalist who prided himself on impartiality.  He was quick to point out where a reporter let his own thinking guide the story, and considered it unprofessional off the editorial page.  Most journalists still think that way.

    It is not the media that is biased, my friend.  You are the biased one.  Get over it, or choose a new name.  It ain't the liberals who are doing the whining.

  6. Just look at how they treated Hillary and the answer glares of them being in the tank for their messiah, no matter how people voted.  When CNN sponsored a debate between Obama and Clinton, I thought Anderson Cooper was going to drop to his knees and climb under the table to "please" his messiah.  Give me a break!!  The liberal media have betrayed the American people and should be punished for it.  Here's what one pastor thinks about the "Spawn of Satan".

    The Black Republicans released this statement on Barack Obama:

    Forty-five years ago, on August 28, 1963, The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who was a Republican and embraced the traditional values that made this country great delivered his inspirational civil rights "I Have a Dream" speech.

    Today, Senator Barack Obama, with the most liberal voting record in the US Senate, is delivering his political acceptance speech, in an apparent attempt to assume for himself the mantle of Dr. Martin Luther King.

    Dr. King did not embrace the type of secularist agenda promoted by Obama and the Democratic Party of today, which includes fostering dependency on welfare that breaks up families, supporting same-s*x marriage and partial-birth abortion, and banning God from the public square.

    Obama is no MLK!


  7. Yes that's why you have to listen to talk radio.

  8. C'mon now....waving is part of celebrity.   :)

  9. Careful, you are going to make the NeoLibs cry and p**p their diapers.

  10. U just knew this?! wow, where were you, this been going on for almost 18 months. The media is in the tank for Obama. never seen such biased coverage in my entire life.

  11. The extreme right is ruining America.  The media is giving Palin way too much credit.  They should release what she said at her church about the iraq war being a mission from God.  What kind of moron says that?  Thats the same thing the muslims say about attacking us.

  12. Wait, Obama waved to the crowd?  Has that ever happened before?  Why isn't CNN covering this live right now?!!

  13. "Whiny Liberal Crybabies." Well, this is all I know of you so maybe I'm missing something. You seem to have an awfully ironic name.  

  14. The  media is definitely twisted and leaning toward Communism in my mind.  

    they scare the h**l out of me!

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