
Is the million dollars bill issued 1988 by international association of millionairs, real?

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does it worth one million USA $




  1. NO. The largest denomination bill printed in the USA is the $100

  2. No. In fact, you can order uncut sheets of them from the International Association of Millionaires web site (see the link below) for $8500, which is far more than they are worth as far as I am concerned.

    Why would they sell them to you for $8500 if they were worth $1,000,000?

  3. If it is not printed by the Federal Reserve, it is not legal tender. But if it IS printed by the Fed, and is legal tender, it's only worth about $100k, in good money. Remember this: in 1960, you could buy 5 gallons of gas for a silver dollar. In 2008, you still can. It's the paper money that changed, not the real prices.

  4. it is a bluff.

  5. No. We used to print $1,000 bills, but now the largest bill is $100.

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