
Is the modern feminist movement dead?

by Guest58263  |  earlier

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In the nineties, quite a few women revealed sexual predation by Bill Clinton. Monica Lewinsky was attacked by Clinton's hired guns and discredited until the blue dress showed up with the proof. During all this the leaders of NOW and other feminist groups were silent.

Now, we have a woman who raises a family and is very successful outside the home under attack and the feminists are again silent. Maybe feminism depends more on politics and who is being harmed more than on a level playing field?




  1. Yes, it is.  It was started by members of the Democratic Party years ago and they have successfully killed it.  Hillary Clinton was one of the biggest feminists in the country, yet she was disgraced by her husband, slammed by the media and rejected by her own party members for a man.  Let's not forget women like Elizabeth Edwards and Silda Wall-Spitzer who have had to sit back and take it from their cheating husbands.  It seems to be a rite of passage for men in the Democratic Party to disgrace their wives.  If you're a woman and you want to get ahead, the Republican Party seems to be the place to be.

  2. Apparently it's the barefoot, pregnant and stay in the kitchen attitude....I guess Michelles glass ceiling speech wasn't motivational enough.

  3. Not on your life. I think Palin and her vitriolic anti-woman stances will do more to raise awareness, and fatten the coffers and membership roles of pro-women groups like Planned Parenthood and NOW than any one thing we could have done.

    Thanks Sarah

  4. Feminism has accomplished it's goals, legally speaking.  But it takes longer to change attitudes.  And they only seem to defend women on the left.

    Currently, most of those who call themselves "feminists" are only supportive of the females on the left.

    Has NOW critisized those who say "how can she take care of her 5 kids if she is a VP?"

    And the left is bashing her for exposing her family to these attacks, instead of bashing the attackers.

    Would either of this critisisms be made against a man?  Do people ask "how could Obama take care of his 5 kids as pres?"

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