
Is the moon smaller then earth?

by  |  earlier

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  1. are you serious ??!!

  2. Yes

  3. well of course its six times smaller than earth dummy! no offense . the moon orbits earth if it were bigger it'd give a more powerfull gravitational pull  and we or it woul fall out of orbit and crash down to Earth and we'd all die lol

  4. of course it is, check out wikipedia for more info man.

  5. Of course for heaven's sake! What about next asking if the Sun rotates around each and every planet???

  6. yes and it has green men living on it

  7. It was, the last time I looked. Yes.

  8. The radius of the moon is roughly 1740 km.

    Earth's is 6378 km.

    So yeah, Earth is pretty much bigger.

  9. About 1/6th the size of the Earth

  10. Yep


    This site will show you that the mean diameter of the earth is a good bit greater than that of the moon.

  12. Earth is 7960mls diameter, the moon is around 2200mls dia. orbiting approx. 240,000mls out.

  13. I can only assume you're not being serious.

  14. Yes it is.

  15. Yes, and it is a satellite.

  16. Yes, the moon is smaller than the Earth.

    The Earth's one natural satellite, the Moon, is more than one quarter the size of Earth itself (3,474 km diameter).

  17. yes the moon is smaller,The average centre-to-centre distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 km, about thirty times the diameter of the Earth. The Moon's diameter is 3,474 km, than the earth

  18. not to be rude or think your dumb


  19. if it was'nt Earth would be the moon.

  20. Yes it is. Not sure of the sizes.

  21. Um yuppers

  22. go to this wbe-site, it will give more detail in comparsion of the two.

    but yes, the moon is smaller than earth.

                                     Earth                               Moon

    Mean diameter      12,742 km                      3,476 km

    Volume                   1.08321 x 1012 km3     2.199 x 1010 km3

    Mass                       5.9736 x 1024 kg          7.349 x 1022 kg

    Mean density          5.515                               3.342

    Surface gravity       9.78 m/s2                       1.62 m/s2

    Escape velocity     11.2 km/s                        2.38 km/s

    Visual albedo         0.367                               0.12

    Visual magnitude  -3.86                                +0.21

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